Take Us To Your Leader

I’ve recommended back to my home world to…

1. Never utter “Take me to your leader!” to humans and to…

Childhood Photo

2. Be wary of faster-than-light traveling humans because…

…you never what know your going to get.

Human technological advancement far exceeds their spiritual evolution.   Likely human intermediary “leader” contacts would be either a World Bank or individual corporate representative (legally 2 people because the [oft psychopathic] corporation itself is a person!?!), their lobbyists/subordinate governments, or the genocidal military.  Among these there are no viable options.

How Alien Brains are Wired

Humans came across transistor technology long before they would have discovered it on their own.  Element 115 exposure has been premature as well.  While some few individuals are able to academically grasp the inherent physics of this technology, collectively to humans, and particularly to the forementioned “leaders”, civilization itself remains an elusive Utopic concept.

Since I relayed these recommendations homeward they’ve responded back that the representative who they’d prefer to interact with is this man.


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The Speed of Light Isn’t Constant

From smoke-ring-blowing through projectile-tossing, aircraft, skydiving & snow sports, humans have exhibited a long-standing, and increasing, interest in Gravity Sports.  (I’ll have to report this new Universal Code; for these sports back to my home world.)  See my previous post which includes video footage of Falling with (Squirrel) Style.

Alien Ball Gravity

Humans have sufficiently advanced Teloscopy to be aware of the existence of Black Holes although the documentary excerpt below suggests a limited, albeit adventurous, understanding.  Hint: Don’t fly straight at them.

Heed the statement, by the other Marty of 1956, at time code 1:35

Another lesson that should be obvious about black holes, (most species catch on a bit faster) is that, if light can bend, then the speed of light cannot be constant.  It has only been a constant measurement to humans because it has only historically been measured by humans within Earth’s constant gravitational field.  Off-Earth, as here, the speed of light is affected by gravity.

It’s even possible that the sight of a galaxy from Earth has been redirected here by a gravitational sling shot; something that could affect flight plans.

As previous: I’m not a sciency alien.  I’m a human/alien hybrid and therefore best suited, empathetically, to inter-world reporting.  Such basics, however, are covered in the elementary schools on our home world.  Humans will never achieve interstellar travel unless light speed’s inconstancy is factored into the equation.  As with Star Trek, Warp Speed capability is considered to be a pivotal milestone in a species’ development.  Perhaps I’ve said too much but waiting for humans to ‘get it’ is crazy-making.

Take Us Out

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Putin on the Ritz – Other Resorts

From Edgar Cayce reading 3976-8:

15. (Q) From the general trend of events, what is to be expected in the struggle between Great Britain and India?

(A) Great Britain is LOSING an excellent fight. Non-resistance is hard to be broken!! [Mohandas Gandhi] As to whether those peoples will REMAIN, or whether the prayers and supplications of others will be with those, depends upon individuals.

16. (Q) What can be expected in the trend of events in the political and economic conditions in Europe?

(A) Europe is as a house broken up. Some years ago there was the experience of a mighty peoples being overridden for the gratification and satisfaction of a few, IRRESPECTIVE of any other man’s right. That peoples are going through the experience of being born again, and is the thorn in the flesh to many a political and financial nation in Europe, in the world – but out of same, with the prayers and supplications of those that may pray – even as Abram, or Abraham – “If there be fifty, will it not be spared?” “O, if there be ten faithful, will it not be spared?” Then, the hope of Europe depends upon YOU! in your own home TODAY! In not the same WAY, but the same MANNER as did the life of Lot, or of the other peoples in Sodom and Gomorrah.

17. (Q) What is the name of that nation referred to?

(A) Russia!

According to Cayce Russia has historically overridden people’s basic rights, for the selfish gratification of a few, causing the resurrected karma to trouble political and financial spheres in Europe, and the world, lifetimes later.

Some people are slow learners, and, with his recent annexation of the Crimean peninsula, Russian president Vladimir Putin is effectively trying to take the world retrograde again.

The following was born out of the spirit of non-resistance in accordance with principles of Mohandas Gandhi.  It was conceived with the thought of making it an Avaaz.org petition but has not yet been deployed as such.  Feel free to use it in this manner if you feel so moved.  This must necessarily be a historically one-time, one-of-a-kind, petition because rewarding retrograde behaviour isn’t a tenable precedent.  You’re very special President Putin!

Note to prospective service related business signators:  In order to help enable this petition as a contract, please include the frequency and duration that you’d be of service to Vladimir Putin.  While this petition primarily seeks service providers if donating goods please specify clearly and if donating cash please specify the currency and sum.  Persons unable to make a serious donation please refrain.

Please forward this to people you know who have something to offer the world.

Petition to Grant Services to

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin,

President of Russia

Evidently you desire land.  While we would otherwise encourage the world’s population to send you their compost, for its optimal “freshness”, in order to fulfill your wishes, it’s apparent that your heart most desires less generic types of land.

Evidently the soil that you prefer is the therapeutic clay and pure, white, quartz, beach sand of the Crimean region and, more particularly, the peninsula’s palaces, villas, and dachas situated thereupon.

This love of resorts is also evident in your recent building of the $50B resort, including high-rise luxury condos, on Sochi swamp land.

In these the appreciation for luxury, once shared with ousted Ukranian President, and accused mass-murderer, Viktor Yanukovych, is most apparent.  If seeking luxury accommodation is what you most desire then we feel that the least harmful recourse is to just give it to you.

Therefore we, the purveyors of the world’s luxuries, would like to offer you, Vladimir, your ex-wife, Lyudmila, your two daughters, Mariya and Yekaterina Putina, and your dogs Koni and Buffy (where permitted) free resort accommodation, and other luxury services, exclusively if you, immediately and permanently, stop trying to annex resorts as part of your desire for them.  The duration that these high quality worldwide amenities shall be at your disposal free of charge, will be from the time that Russian troops exit the Ukraine until as long as you, Vladimir, shall live so long as you never try to claim another non-Russian resort as your own.

When staying at these resorts you need not bring any of your 11 luxury watches in order to enjoy relief from the stress of never quite knowing exactly what time it is.

We, the undersigned, are the owners and operators of luxury resorts, spas and hotels as well as other luxury amenity services including, but not limited to:

  •         Limousine, Hummer, aircraft, yacht, train, helicopter, hovercraft, hot-air-balloon, hydrofoil, blimp, zeppelin, carriage, rickshaw, wheelchair, gurney, wheelbarrow, dolly, piggy-back and fireman’s carry transportation services.
  •        Doorman Services
  •        Quality food services including haute cuisine restaurants, and pastry, cupcake, cookie, specialty dessert and chocolate shops
  •        Butler, maid (with Lyudmila’s permission), and cooking services including, but not limited to:
  1. Lint removal, breath & body odour smelling, powdering, perfuming and jewelry adorning services.
  2. Cigar and pipe lighting, holding, ashtray and extinguishing services
  3. Sycophant services including verbal flattery, joke laughing, physical back-patting and slapping, cheer leading, bowing, curtseying, applauding and hugs.
  4. Dog petting and playing services        
  5. Laundry, valet, dressing (and dress up) and shoe polishing, holding, tying and removal services
  6. Back scratching and tickling (with Lyudmila’s permission) services
  7. Leg ups for any vertical access required or bodily lifting for an improved view
  8. Lickable blender whisk provision, crust-removal, food seasoning, saucing, cutting, spooning, forking, tasting and feeding, as well as fanning, spittoon, brow-dabbing and mouth-wiping services
  9. Bathroom valet services including mirror holding and teeth brushing
  10. Reading and bed-time story services including calming, explaining, tucking in, pillow fluffing, and lullaby singing
  •        Concierge, and shopping services
  •        Photography, film, and ‘gem’ transcription services including carte blanche freedom to shirt strip for cameras any time, any place.
  •        Fitness facility, judo dojo, and other fitness services including sweat-wiping and dabbing and encouragement shouting

  •       Access to masculine recreational sports and services including equestrian adventure, American football, bull-riding, alligator wrestling, motocross & mountain biking, hang-gliding, hockey, lacrosse, boxing, sky-diving, base jumping (including wingsuit base jumping) and “anything goes” cage match wrestling
  •       Attendance at real American motorcycle rallies
  •       Hair, nail salon, massage, face-lift and make-up services including any such required as to try to maintain a scary-looking countenance with advancing age
  •       Music & entertainment (with Lyudmila’s permission) services
  •       Stalin-style dancing entertainment services
  •       Admission to free wine-tasting events
  •       Camping and wilderness excursion services including fish-kissing
  •       Doggy salon, pet spa, and animal communication services
  •       Nice things to look at services (with Lyudmila’s permission)
  •       Nice things to touch and feel services (with Lyudmila’s permission)
  •       Nice smell services including cinnamon!
  •       Balloon blowing services (both rubber and soap)
  •       Self-indulgence brainstorming services
  •       Wit services
  •       And pampering and coddling of all manners and types (Don’t be afraid to ask)

Cash and goods (such as lingerie and sundries), for servants to hold and carry, could also be available depending on material offers proffered.  Any paper money offered will be previously washed and ironed.

Latvian signators should not confuse President Putin’s acceptance of this offer with his previous offer of the “ears of an ass” in leau of Latvia’s remaining Russian-annexed territory.

No one person or organization will be required to fulfill all of the above and body guarding, for any of the foregoing, is not included.

Each service comes with a continuance of the same Exemption from Communist Equality Ideals that Centrists currently enjoy.

 Forget the political party.  It’s time for a real party!


If you think the song and dance above has been elaborate check out the world’s only known state funded “cashmob”:

 In Russia, Ritz puts on you.

The production values of this highly choreographed video are EXTREMELY high.  Multiple cameras have been deployed including at least 2 on cranes and from one helicopter.  The dancers are professional and, in all probability, the bystanders are paid extras.  The last two repetitions of the refrain, at the end of the video, have been said to have been changed from “Puttin on the Ritz” to “Putin molodyets!” (Good job, Putin!).

The song choice of this Moscow Boys Choir Debut wasn’t likely influence-free either.

Trying as hard as possible I’m still unable to outperform this man’s genuine incredible vanity and his total lack of comprehension of the value of freedom.

Плохая работа, Путин!

Humans:  Birds don’t see borders, fish don’t see borders, and children don’t see borders.  In brief, life, from bacteria to collective, doesn’t observe non-existent borders.  And life is right.  This sub-child ignorance is way too prominent in the tribal cultures on your planet.


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Edgar Cayce stated that there are 3 important ancient Halls of Records to be found, in Egypt, Atlantis, and the Yucatan.  Leading the way Dr. Greg Little has unearthed some fascinating discoveries regarding Atlantis and the Yucatan hall.  Also, in Egypt, an enormous cave underworld, extending under the Nile Valley, has been rediscovered by Dr. Andrew Collins.

Cayce says that, one day, humans will access these 3 ancient halls.  When?

 It will be necessary to wait until the full time has come for the breaking up of much that has been in the nature of selfish motives in the world.” Edgar Cayce 2329-3 39

“If the Mind dwells upon spiritual things, then it follows that it becomes what it has dwelt upon, what it has made itself a portion of.  But if the Mind dwells upon self-indulgence, self-aggrandizement, self-exaltation, selfishness in any of its forms, in any of its variations, then it has set itself at a variance to that First Cause:…” Edgar Cayce 262-78

If you’re anything like an Alien these days, when you hear that all humans have to accomplish is to get rid of all the selfishness in the world, you say “Yeah, right!  Is that all?” and maybe “How many lifetimes will that take?”

But fear not because, in all likelihood, worldly selfishness will break up (or else) within the next 20 years.  That’s the good news.  The bad/good news is that what it will take for this to happen is that every human must intensely scrutinize the unvarnished selfishness in their own lives and to correct any such patterns by acting more compassionately henceforward.  It’s a BIGGY.

The motivator will be THE WARNING:

The Warning is stated at time code 1:05:16 to 1:07:45

See the girls heads snap back into ecstasy at 6:22.  See 2 of them walking backward in perfect lockstep unison at 22:58 and a communion wafer appearing out of nowhere at 25:23.

 “To keep silent would be true scientific cowardice.” – Dr. Celestino Ortiz

THE WARNING will come during Conchita’s lifetime. The Garamandal girls in the above video were 11-12 years old.  Their experiences ceased in 1965.  Let’s make them 15.  Subtract 1965 from the current year and add 15.  The onetime girls are now about 70.  The average lifespan in the world is only 67.2 years.  In the U.S. it’s 77.5 to 80.  In Spain and Canada it’s >80.  So, odds are, the predicted WARNING will take place sometime within the 15 years following 2020. 

Also, they were given the message that there would be only 3 more popes after Paul VI when these forecast events, would occur.  The current pope, Francis, is the fourth since that time.

Following THE WARNING, (or now, for more grace when the warning comes), the first thing that humans could do is to repair any selfish patterns ASAP.

The second thing that humans could do, after THE WARNING, is to prepare to deliver as many severely disabled people to Garamandal Spain as possible for “the miracle”.

Who is/are the disabled person(s)?  How to prioritize/choose?  Disabled children?  Where are they geographically?  What are their nutritional needs?  Will they need rain gear and warm clothes and/or sun hats?  How ambulatory are they?  Medication regimen?  If a wheelchair is required then would a simple collapsible wheelchair be more practical than a heavy electrical chair that may be immobilized if recharging is impossible – particularly in a country 220 v European circuits.  How is a bedridden patient transported overseas?  Is it desirable to book an individual flight immediately (obviously profiteering would be frowned upon by the Someone Who humans really don’t want to make frown) or should the cost of a charter flight be looked into?  Where will the funds come from?  Should a letter be drafted now, but unsent until after THE WARNING, to the government requesting assistance for a charter?  How will they be accommodated and fed in Spain while waiting for the event?  Can a human’s charity, spiritual group, or other organization start a fund (now) specifically for this purpose?  Will those still fundamentally unclear on the nature of selfishness try to get themselves there ahead of others? 

Following THE WARNING, Conchita Gonzales will notify the world precisely when “The Miracle” will occur.  It will take place in the spring, a traditional time of renewal, with only 8 days advance notice. After THE WARNING it may be possible to stay current regarding any news from Conchita via this link.

Two points about Garamandal:

1. Doubts about faith are at the core. (Pray for the priests).

2. The flock is advised to frequent the sacrament of reconciliation in the Eucharest.

Song begins @ 2 min. mark

The reasons why the opening of the 3 ancient Halls of Records must wait for a less selfish time are apparent:

1. While the now-retired Egyptian antiquities gatekeeper Dr. Zahi Hawass has been a friend of Edgar Cayce’s ARE, he has also had to contend with various local troubled Egyptian/Muslim  bureaucracies.  Who knows what selfishness has been inherent in Egypt’s recent challenging national governments? 

2.  The history of J-29 at Piedras Negras in the Yucatan is such that someone has already stolen some antiquities, a clump of iron and numerous crystalline stones, found at the site for personal gain. Such selfishness directly impedes the search for the records.

Imagine what the unselfish world will be like.

Photo Credits: Somewhere on the Internet a long time ago.

Selfishness is both measurable and unevolved.  Mentally we’ve developed well beyond ‘Space Invaders’.  We’re just fascinated observers.  It’s yourselves that you should be worried about.  You’re the unevolved ones.

Notwithstanding:  UNIR1

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Awakening Gratitude


A few years ago I achieved spiritual realization in a dream.

An intense desire for such enlightenment must have been on my mind with some earnestness during the 20 minutes or so just prior to falling asleep.

Edgar Cayce’s Dream Interpretation Approach

“A dream uninterpreted is like a letter from God unopened.” – Carl Jung

In this dream, this spiritual enlightenment took place standing on the back deck of our house looking up at the brightly lit blue sky and clouds, aka Heaven.  It was a great heartfelt upwelling; I was enjoying this increasingly great upsurge of love, happiness, and exaltation as it expanded along the sky around the world to encompass all things under it on this planet.  A truly wonderful feeling.

Then, suddenly, I was hit by all of the intense, excruciating, emotional pain of all people who were suffering, everywhere on Earth, and awakened sobbing and overcome with all the unspeakable and intense emotional pain that every one of us was experiencing.  It was truly terrible.

Awakening – by Philip Sweeck

This disclosed an underlying world view of sorrow and perceived suffering.  The occasion may also have compromised my objectivity as an alien observer.


A number of years passed… …and I had another dream: I’m sitting down to a delicious early morning breakfast with a group of people, who feel like family, but they’re not.  I’m asked to say grace.  I’m a guest.

In my waking state I sometimes embrace, or hold the hand of, the woman who loves this alien in order to pray together.  I’ve also been called upon, occasionally, by friends, to say grace, or say a prayer before, or after, a meeting or gathering, and so on.  Each time that I pray I try to dig down to feelings of genuine heartfelt gratitude, joy, and blessing; so I have some experience this way.

In my dream, too, I drop my heart into the midst of this exaltation, and become oh-so-earnestly grateful, of and for, everyone around me and everything about me…

… as this is happening, the sunrise is dawning with breathtaking beauty and the promise of a new day’s wonderful, and exciting, repast spread out before us and…

…I wake up into a new day.  I can’t imagine a better way to awaken.

This elated grateful attitude for everything appears to be the answer, or conclusion, for my first dream wherein I woke up feeling all of the emotional suffering of humanity.

I have some chronic physical problems including spinal scoliosis, which a gifted psychic once told me is a necessary impediment in my life so that I learn to overcome wretchedness.   My spine was miraculously straightened somewhat, a few years ago, but now it impinges on the sciatic nerve on the other side – an even more precarious condition.  I also have a painful recurring gastric condition.  It’s chronic secondary wretchedness in the vicinity of my body’s fulcrum.  Secondary depression is emotional depression arising from physical reasons.

Helping people to overcome emotional depression, possibly the most widespread problem on the planet, is the reason that the Positive Adjective Glossary was created.  It’s to assist in out-talking that little negative inside voice.  The 3 Majical Gifts accomplish that too.

For both aliens and mankind, as we align, as a group, to the Prime Directive, the more in accordance with unseen forces, like synchronicity and serendipity, we will become.  Imagine what it will be like to be fully aligned loving each other greatly all the time.

In enduring physical, and other, pain it’s a considerable comfort knowing that one day what awaits the family of man is unconditional love for each other and a desire to be as helpful as we can to each other.

Havona by Antifan Real

All the greatest loves of this, and previous, lives are peanuts compared to the love that we’ll feel at this time.

This is the feeling that I now import whenever I’m faced with challenges – including physical pain. Patience is a recurring lesson for everyone and a great teacher.  So if a soul must incur wretchedness, and patience, to learn, then they might as well apply this incredible awakening gratitude.

Disclaimer:  It wasn’t long ago that this dream awakening occurred. I’ve known far greater physical, and emotional, pains than I’ve experienced since this dream awakening took place and haven’t yet applied gratitude to anything of such intense scope.  That could require, for extended periods, intensely concentrating on my idea of Heaven.  Might as well.  Gratitude is found in knowing that this pain is a necessary stepping stone along the way to bliss.

“With our free will, we can turn the challenges life presents to us into stepping-stones toward growth, or we can see them as obstacles and stumbling blocks. Either way, we reap what we have sown. We constantly meet the consequences of previous deeds and attitudes.” – Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

Pain could be a lesson that one must learn, or it could just be something that must merely be endured, either way if it must be, it must be.  At that time gratitude toward an extremely loving end game (NOT suicide) is probably the best thing that anyone could think about.


Antimatter Raynstorm Artmusic



If the circumstances and the associations are circumspect, and in line with that that is known by each to be perfectly right and in accord with those forces of the Creative elements in human experience, what does it MATTER what they think? Too oft do people consider “what will others think”, and judge and act themselves to be “seen of men”, rather than of God!   – Edgar Cayce 459-5

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   I’m sending, to my home planet, the following recommendation regarding first contact on this planet, and so wanted to inform humans about it concurrently:

  I hereby recommend that first contact with human individuals henceforward be undertaken during the wee hours of their night, when they’re most often found asleep.  I also recommend that the methodology for this be by rapping on the outside of the bedroom window.  In addition, I recommend that each of these encounters be officially recorded.

   The human reactions are absolutely hysterical!  They’re priceless!

   Whether or not to make funny faces and what sort of overtures to make could be volitional on the part of the host as well as other production considerations – like running away.  Guest hosts could also be a consideration.  I have buddies that make the Star Wars Cantina crowd look like a Chippendale Review.

   At home (and beyond?) the recordings could be syndicated as “Earth’s Funniest Firsts”. 

   (I wasn’t anticipating this much fun on this mission.)



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Evidently there’s a Venusian woman, also stationed on Earth, who’s in love with this particular alien.  This is evidenced by the fact that, this morning, (Valentine’s Day Feb. 14, 2014), she sent me the following email:

How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.   Let’s see…..  Mmmmmm.   Uhmmmm.  Errrrrr.

It’s hopeless – there are too many things to count, I wouldn’t be able to get any work done.  You are just too wonderful.

Her profession is numeric qualitative and quantitative measure, and she’s evidently enamored with numbers, so to this I responded:

OK…  now let me count the ways…


That was easy!

Adsense ended at a lousy $97.99 last night.  It was over $2 before 1 AM and is now at $22.  It may have happened back in October’s heyday but I don’t recall seeing a number that high in the morning before.  Today is a typically slower Friday, however, so I don’t know how things will end up. 

I love Adsense twelve ways!

And then she:

I count at least 13 ways that you love me!!!

So I:

In days of yore, length and depth and breadth pretty much covered it.

But now, with all the empirically possible divergent worlds, my love for you expands forever immeasurably.

Even if I could freeze time I’d spend the rest of eternity counting these ways of love.  It would be a little sad though, because, despite quantifying bliss, it would be frozen in time and space and nevermore in the dynamic now.

So, yes, let’s go with 13.

And as a followup:

Love and Tensor Algebra

from “The Cyberiad” by Stanislaw Lem

Come, let us hasten to a higher plane
Where dyads tread the fairy fields of Venn,
Their indices bedecked from one to n
Commingled in an endless Markov chain!

Come, every frustrum longs to be a cone
And every vector dreams of matrices.
Hark to the gentle gradient of the breeze:
It whispers of a more ergodic zone.

In Riemann, Hilbert or in Banach space
Let superscripts and subscripts go their ways.
Our asymptotes no longer out of phase,
We shall encounter, counting, face to face.

I’ll grant thee random access to my heart,
Thou’lt tell me all the constants of thy love;
And so we two shall all love’s lemmas prove,
And in our bound partition never part.

For what did Cauchy know, or Christoffel,
Or Fourier, or any Bools or Euler,
Wielding their compasses, their pens and rulers,
Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell?

Cancel me not – for what then shall remain?
Abscissas some mantissas, modules, modes,
A root or two, a torus and a node:
The inverse of my verse, a null domain.

Ellipse of bliss, converge, O lips divine!
the product o four scalars is defines!
Cyberiad draws nigh, and the skew mind
Cuts capers like a happy haversine.

I see the eigenvalue in thine eye,
I hear the tender tensor in thy sigh.
Bernoulli would have been content to die,
Had he but known such a^2 cos 2 phi!


(This alien loves her too.)

 Knock Knock…

 Cuddly Wordfind Puzzle


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Cannabis Cancer Cure

For some reason humans have been, and are being, incarcerated, and even put to death, for trying to make the cure for cancer more readily available.

Cannabis Science

(The Rick Simpson segment at the end of this video contains primarily anecdotal information.  His anecdotal cannabis extract recipients, after 60 days, have experienced, approximately, a 75% remission rate, a 90% improvement rate [incl. remission], and a 10% failure rate.)

See 34 Medical Studies Proving that Cannabis Cures Cancer

The rescission of cannabis prohibition in CO and WA could be due to the emerging evidence that the plant could be the holy grail for some of the most prolific forms of cancer (breast, prostate, skin, leukemia, colorectal, brain, and thyroid).  Our study of human behavior suggests that no organizational agenda, no matter how richly and powerfully backed, will stand up against all the caregivers who will move Heaven and Earth to provide the cure to their loved ones.

Clinical trials on melanoma are slated to start within the next couple of years in a Colorado lab which, if successful, could make a cannabis extract available to patients by about the year 2030.  As a US-based company facing that country’s formidable anti-marijuana infrastructure, whether or not these trials get off the ground remains to be seen.

Canada’s National Guidelines for Physicians appear to be dated making no mention of Cannabis’ anti-tumor properties in the “Emerging Potential Therapeutic Uses” category.  They also give a warning, in a bold font, of the possibility of overdose – something that has never occurred.  The adjunct citations also mention no overdoses.   With regards to inhibiting the progression of MS, while the guidelines state that cannabis is a neuroprotector, they don’t acknowledge, this Oxford study indicating that cannabinoids inhibit neurodegeneration.

Cannabis Industry (British Columbia)

Despite the fact that the therapeutic affects of Cannabis have been known for thousands of years, in more than 14 thousand personal readings, Edgar Cayce prescribed “hemp” only once, together with the kola plant, for the relief of excruciating lower back pain.  He also recommended that this be administered by a nurse rather than by the patient himself.  (1377-7)    This general lack of prescription suggests that cannabis, for some reason, should not be used lightly.

Desensitization of the body’s endocanabinoid receptors by today’s high THC content cannabis could be the reason for this caution and, moreover, it could lead to epigenetic (pangenerational) impairment.  That is, it could impede, for future generations, natural joys including the joy of learning, discovery, or even the heights of love, for example.

In addition to the good news about curing cancer, the other good news is that cannabis could easily be made almost as ubiquitous as water because, as a weed, it grows just about anywhere.  Current roadblocks to its therapeutic deployment could be overcome by unselfishly planting it everywhere.  The bad news for young recreational users is that it’s best use is exclusively for the treatment of excruciating pain (neuropathic & cancer related).  Indiscriminate use could desensitize the neural pleasure centers of the user as well as of their offspring for generations – an enormous genetic tragedy.

Notwithstanding – it’s a remarkable gift to humankind on this planet.


Additional viewing:

WEED a CNN Special Report by Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Phoenix Tears

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I’m here on an exploration mission.  More precisely my job is that of a reporter.  I’m supposed to report back to my native planet but, while I’m here, I might as well report my findings to humans too.

We’ve studied Earth’s history and are aware of the sad incident recorded in the Mars Attacks documentary.  It’s understandable how this could taint Earth’s outlook on extraterrestrials.  We  don’t understand why any species would attack your holy city of Las Vegas and want to emphasize that we are NOT of similar mind and there’s no reason to deploy your yodelling.

Instead my species has been tracking specific human specimens for centuries.  We’re a race of biologists.  Here I should emphasize that my talents are uncommon among my species and Biology and Physics aren’t my fields of expertise.  I’m a reporter.  I was offered this job because I’m a hybrid and there’s a consensus that I have uncommon empathy/insights into human affairs.   I’m certain that I do.

For example; for a long time my species has been performing procedures on human bodies without their foreknowledge or consent.  From this ruling by the Human Supreme Being I’ve come to realize that humans consider such practice to be a serious personal violation.  (BTW our human experiments are also a biological imperative so “no” isn’t an option from everyone.)

Consequently I’ve just reported to my home world that:

Humans want to be treated with honour.

Recently I posted about the first half of the Prime Directive (L Law).  Treating human specimens with honour is inherent in the second half of the directive (aka The Law of One*):

..(love) thy brother AS (=) thyself.

The Prime Directive is is why I reported my recommendation to treat humans with honour to my home world.

And here’s what I’d like to report to humans for the same reason:

Everything wants to be treated with honour.




*The ideal of the Law of One is summarized in the phrase “That we may make manifest the love of God and Man.”   Edgar Cayce  254-42

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Divine Law

“Love God with all thy heart…”

Empathy with God puts human beings into perspective.  The following is a reading exercise for the purpose of making humans more conscious of, and synchronous with, God.

What’s it like to be God?


Divine Adjectives**

Abiding         ~          Absolute         ~          Abundant         ~          Accepting         ~          Acclaimed         ~          Active         ~          Actual         ~          Acute         ~          Adaptable         ~          Adept         ~          Admirable         ~          Admired         ~          Adorable         ~          Adored         ~          Adoring          ~          Advanced         ~          Advantageous         ~          Adventurous         ~          Advisable         ~          Aesthetic         ~          Affectionate         ~          Affective         ~          Affordable         ~          Ageless         ~          Airy         ~          Alert         ~          Alive         ~          All-important         ~       Altruistic         ~          Amazing         ~          Anointed         ~          Apodictic          ~          Apparent         ~          Appealing         ~          Applauded         ~          Appreciated          ~          Appreciative         ~          Appropriate         ~          Arresting         ~          Ascendant         ~          Assertive         ~          Associative         ~          Astounding         ~          Attentive         ~          Attractive         ~          Atypical/Typical         ~          August         ~          Auspicious         ~          Authentic         ~          Authoriative         ~          Autonomous         ~          Available         ~          Aware         ~          Awesome         ~          Axiological          ~          Axiomatic

(Humans shouldn’t really expect a short list – it’s God!)

Harmonic Voltage

The central form, above, is shaped like Walter Shauberger’s Tonal Tower – not yet available on Earth.


Balanced         ~          Beautiful         ~          Belonging         ~          Beloved         ~          Beneficial         ~          Beneficent         ~          Benevolent         ~          Benign         ~          Best         ~          Biggest         ~          Blameless         ~          Blessed         ~          Blissful         ~          Bold         ~       Bright         ~          Bulletproof          ~          Busy           ~


Calm         ~          Capable         ~          Captivating         ~          Carefree/Determined         ~          Caring         ~          Categorical         ~          Celebrated         ~          Celestial         ~          Central         ~          Close         ~          Charismatic         ~          Charmed          ~          Charming         ~          Clairvoyant         ~          Clear         ~          Climactic         ~          Coherent         ~          Colorful         ~          Colossal         ~          Comfortable         ~          Comforting         ~          Commendable         ~         Committed         ~          Compassionate         ~          Compatible         ~          Competent         ~         Completed         ~          Comprehensive         ~          Concise         ~          Concomitant         ~         Concordant         ~          Conducive         ~          Confident         ~          Congruent         ~          Congruous         ~          Conscientious         ~          Conscious         ~          Consecrated         ~          Considerable         ~          Consistent         ~          Consolidated         ~          Consonant         ~          Constant         ~          Constitutional         ~          Constitutive         ~          Constructive         ~          Consubstantial         ~          Contemplative         ~          Contemporary         ~          Content         ~         Contiguous         ~          Continuous         ~          Cool         ~          Cooperative         ~          Coordinated         ~          Copious         ~          Correlative         ~          Cosmic         ~          Credible         ~          Culminating         ~          Cultivating         ~          Curative         ~         Current  ~

Where's God3


See the rest, from D-Z, here.




Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

The study and affect of NDEs has been growing significantly with Near Deathers now unafraid to speak up and nurses recognizing that the story isn’t hallucination.  Nationally they number up to 8% of the population.  These people are now organizing to bring God’s love, as experienced on the other side of the veil, to the material world – a global trend.

Bookmark this page for spiritual evolution and to become part of this conspiracy: Ctrl + d

 Near Death Pt. 1                      Near Death Pt. 2

Something for humans to bookmark for perusal on their tablets:

Science and the Near-Death Experience

“The other side (of the veil) is not all it is cracked up to be.  There’s a lot you can’t do on the other side.  There’s a perfect combination though.  A body without spirit is a wasteland and a spirit without a body is a wasteland.  And we are the perfect matrix of body and spirit.  With body and spirit, you can have it all.” – Melen Thomas Benedict




* If God is unthinkable then non-local quantum consciousness or “All that is” might work.

**The above list is is a subset of the Positive Adjective Glossary like Romantic Adjectives or Positive Business Adjectives.

 (To bookmark press Ctrl + d)

Positive Words Describing Men         Positive Links