Awakening Gratitude


A few years ago I achieved spiritual realization in a dream.

An intense desire for such enlightenment must have been on my mind with some earnestness during the 20 minutes or so just prior to falling asleep.

Edgar Cayce’s Dream Interpretation Approach

“A dream uninterpreted is like a letter from God unopened.” – Carl Jung

In this dream, this spiritual enlightenment took place standing on the back deck of our house looking up at the brightly lit blue sky and clouds, aka Heaven.  It was a great heartfelt upwelling; I was enjoying this increasingly great upsurge of love, happiness, and exaltation as it expanded along the sky around the world to encompass all things under it on this planet.  A truly wonderful feeling.

Then, suddenly, I was hit by all of the intense, excruciating, emotional pain of all people who were suffering, everywhere on Earth, and awakened sobbing and overcome with all the unspeakable and intense emotional pain that every one of us was experiencing.  It was truly terrible.

Awakening – by Philip Sweeck

This disclosed an underlying world view of sorrow and perceived suffering.  The occasion may also have compromised my objectivity as an alien observer.


A number of years passed… …and I had another dream: I’m sitting down to a delicious early morning breakfast with a group of people, who feel like family, but they’re not.  I’m asked to say grace.  I’m a guest.

In my waking state I sometimes embrace, or hold the hand of, the woman who loves this alien in order to pray together.  I’ve also been called upon, occasionally, by friends, to say grace, or say a prayer before, or after, a meeting or gathering, and so on.  Each time that I pray I try to dig down to feelings of genuine heartfelt gratitude, joy, and blessing; so I have some experience this way.

In my dream, too, I drop my heart into the midst of this exaltation, and become oh-so-earnestly grateful, of and for, everyone around me and everything about me…

… as this is happening, the sunrise is dawning with breathtaking beauty and the promise of a new day’s wonderful, and exciting, repast spread out before us and…

…I wake up into a new day.  I can’t imagine a better way to awaken.

This elated grateful attitude for everything appears to be the answer, or conclusion, for my first dream wherein I woke up feeling all of the emotional suffering of humanity.

I have some chronic physical problems including spinal scoliosis, which a gifted psychic once told me is a necessary impediment in my life so that I learn to overcome wretchedness.   My spine was miraculously straightened somewhat, a few years ago, but now it impinges on the sciatic nerve on the other side – an even more precarious condition.  I also have a painful recurring gastric condition.  It’s chronic secondary wretchedness in the vicinity of my body’s fulcrum.  Secondary depression is emotional depression arising from physical reasons.

Helping people to overcome emotional depression, possibly the most widespread problem on the planet, is the reason that the Positive Adjective Glossary was created.  It’s to assist in out-talking that little negative inside voice.  The 3 Majical Gifts accomplish that too.

For both aliens and mankind, as we align, as a group, to the Prime Directive, the more in accordance with unseen forces, like synchronicity and serendipity, we will become.  Imagine what it will be like to be fully aligned loving each other greatly all the time.

In enduring physical, and other, pain it’s a considerable comfort knowing that one day what awaits the family of man is unconditional love for each other and a desire to be as helpful as we can to each other.

Havona by Antifan Real

All the greatest loves of this, and previous, lives are peanuts compared to the love that we’ll feel at this time.

This is the feeling that I now import whenever I’m faced with challenges – including physical pain. Patience is a recurring lesson for everyone and a great teacher.  So if a soul must incur wretchedness, and patience, to learn, then they might as well apply this incredible awakening gratitude.

Disclaimer:  It wasn’t long ago that this dream awakening occurred. I’ve known far greater physical, and emotional, pains than I’ve experienced since this dream awakening took place and haven’t yet applied gratitude to anything of such intense scope.  That could require, for extended periods, intensely concentrating on my idea of Heaven.  Might as well.  Gratitude is found in knowing that this pain is a necessary stepping stone along the way to bliss.

“With our free will, we can turn the challenges life presents to us into stepping-stones toward growth, or we can see them as obstacles and stumbling blocks. Either way, we reap what we have sown. We constantly meet the consequences of previous deeds and attitudes.” – Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

Pain could be a lesson that one must learn, or it could just be something that must merely be endured, either way if it must be, it must be.  At that time gratitude toward an extremely loving end game (NOT suicide) is probably the best thing that anyone could think about.


Antimatter Raynstorm Artmusic



If the circumstances and the associations are circumspect, and in line with that that is known by each to be perfectly right and in accord with those forces of the Creative elements in human experience, what does it MATTER what they think? Too oft do people consider “what will others think”, and judge and act themselves to be “seen of men”, rather than of God!   – Edgar Cayce 459-5

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