
No longer able to jog, when the weather permits, I’ve taken to running under water, about chest deep, in local freshwater lakes.

Lake Okanagan has the longest beachfront in the area and it takes about an hour to run under water from one end to the other and back again with a brief rest at the other end.

Sometimes it’s windy on the lake sending waves towards the shore and so, when jogging through them, every so many steps one must either leap over a wave or get smacked in the side of the head by it. It’s like jumping over invisible hurdles.

I was running these invisible hurdles one day when I came across a father holding one young daughter in each arm. They were in slightly shallower waters than mine also jumping with the arrival of every wave and cheering Wheeeee!”, “Wheeeeeeee!”, “Wheeeeeee!” with every leap.

Their timing was exactly the same as mine.

I don’t care who you are, if you hear two little girls cheering “Wheeeeeee!” every time you jump through a wave you’re going to start feeling the exact same feeling of little girls squealing with pure delight.

Dad and I exchanged looks and, understanding completely, laughed out loud in continued, shared, innocent elation.

Recently I’ve mused about what it would be like to jog while holding the word “Mmmmmmm!” on my mind and wonder if I could sustain it. The same goes for “Wheeeee!” (the more “ee’s” the better). Could holding these thoughts lead to ecstasy?

Other, similar, potential mindful meditation. jogging exclamations are Aaaaah! Excellent! Good! Hallelujah! Hurray! Woo-hoo! Wow! Yay and Yippy! Other joggers will have to try these now. I envy them because it’s guaranteed to feel fantastic.

Wishing you all the “Wheeeeeeeee!” that you can handle!

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