Monthly Archives: June 2018

Introducing Harmony Mandelbrot

This is to introduce Harmony.  No one else has apparently undertaken to name this well-known bulbous Mandelbrot creature, any more than anyone else has apparently previously correlated her cavities with cerebral sectors (Hemispheres, Temporal lobes, Cerebellum, Medulla oblongata), before.  So we’re going to call her Harmony.

It would be interesting to determine if indeed the vortex of our scalp cowlicks leads directly to the pineal gland (crown chakra).  Every vortex has an attendant torus and notably, in this case, it would create a halo ring positioned precisely where halos are depicted over sacred figures in religious iconography. This is depicted as such in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and of ancient Greece and Rome.

The halo symbolizes awakening.

Years ago I read, in some now non citable spiritual resource, that when the normally pear-shaped pineal gland opens, like a lotus, it causes the newly enlightened person’s head to begin to glow.  If this is a real phenomenon it must be extraordinarily rare as I don’t think that it has been seen or recorded in modern times.  Or perhaps it’s limited only to those who can see auras?

Is it possible that Harmony is a diagram of spiritual awakening?  Actually discovering the experience, no doubt, is something significantly greater than discovering its electromagnetic schematic.

It is possible that the Mandelbrot Fractal is a carrier wave for the lower frequency Fibonacci spiral.  Both are tunnelling and recursive but the Mandelbrot fractal appears to have multiple options for direction.

Is it possible that other representations of Harmony along her depicted fractal path correspond to other brains in our local, and/or remote, environments?  Separate brain sectors sometimes remotely harmonize brain waves with one another.  Do we harmonize, via Harmony, with other life?

Dual hemispheres, representing higher brain functions, are present in mammals as well as, allegedly, E.T.s, but the pineal gland is far more prolific in animals being found in almost all vertebrate species including birds.  The lower frequency Fibonacci spiral affects us in the same manner as it affects ferns.

The Mandelbrot fractal IS a high frequency antenna and, in fact, the projection forward from the cleft between Harmony’s two hemispheres, which could originate from the pituitary gland (third eye), extending to the 5 tendrils, is called, by mathematicians, a “tendril antenna”.

Harmony appears to be an antenna that brings to life the most fundamental Universal Law:  We are One.