Category Archives: Uncategorized

America’s Reflection

In President Trump, America has gotten what it has served. Two aspects of the well-known Universal Law of Attraction are 1. Like attracts Like and 2. Like begets Like. This is what this corporate/military U.S. government has rightfully attracted and begotten.

Exclusively found on the far right and concordant with facets of the highest military command is a significant component of those who just want to see the world burn. Extreme greed in the military manifests in a disproportionate amount of those rising to the top who are eschatologists and sociopaths because they’re good for funding appropriations.

The nihilism of destruction doesn’t come via predictable models however.

Under the circumstances how much more appropriate could it be for the US overt and covert government communities to find, in their reflection, a dull-witted extreme right wing, profoundly selfish and greedy, mendacious thug working as a Russian asset in the oval office?

It isn’t complicated that greed-motivated world-destroyers in positions of power and influence aren’t a good, smart, or valuable thing. It’s not intelligence if it’s profound mental illness.

More morality need be begotten.

Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy

Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy

The Sabbath Commandment is regarded as a moral imperative by Jewish, Catholic, Reformation and legal scholars

I seem to recall Christian advice something along the lines of, “If a lamb falls down a well it’s OK to save it on the Sabbath” but…

…who’s to say when housework isn’t holy?

The zen perspective, I believe, is something along the lines of really getting into whatever you’re doing and doing it well.

Being of selfless service “SEVA” is certainly of spiritual merit and helping someone out of love is unimpeachable.

How many church housekeepers have been happy to be of service on a Sunday out of love for everything from feeding the community to unclogging the toilet? How does that relate to Gandhi’s perspective that no one is better than the Untouchable caste?

It’s OK to be kind to the family via whichever is the most loving of available options but the intent is to take the time, particularly if never done on any other day, to connect with God and this means expanding the size of the family that is loved.

The First Commandment:
1. Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and soul and thy brother as thyself.

Universal Laws:
1. We are One 2. Love is Law

My personal definition for God has long been “All that Is”. There’s no question that “All that is” exists. It just does. A given by “All that is”.

It seems to me if you make your family “All that Is”, including all non-human life, then you’re “there” no matter in what manner you’re expressing devotion.

It’s up to each individual to decide which duties are non-essential enough to prevent them from loving “All that Is”?

It’s a good day to take the time to connect with God in whatever way is best. If you don’t attend church then meditation is a good (albeit not mutually exclusive) option.

“Remember the Sabbath” means “Don’t forget to love absolutely.”

Great Loves That Cannot Speak Their Name

There are a many large and broadly pervasive love forms all around us for which there are no official English words.  Unlike the following many lovers, for example, have no word for their love.

Aerophile, Ailurophile, Astrophile, Audiophile, Bibliophile, Biophile, Cartophile, Cinephile, Discophile*, Enophile, Ergophile*, Foodophile*, Heliophile, Hippophile, Iconophile*, Jazzophile*, Logophile*, Mycophile,  Musicophile*, Nemophilist, Neophile/NeophiliacOenophile, Orchidophile*, Ornithophile, Pluviophile*, Pogonophile, Retrophile, Thalassophile*, Turophile, Typhlophile*, Videophile*, Xenophile

* words with no official “-philia”‘ counterpart; a practical impossibility

“-philia” Neologisms 

Similarly missing are most loves of places there are only about 15 legitimate regional loves (ex. anglophile) even though such feelings have been strongly felt by every indigenous, transplanted and reminiscent person for every region in the world since the beginning of time.

In addition a paraphilia is a psychological focus of erotic interest. Some paraphilias mask or pre-empt the word for the more innocent popular love of the same thing. Examples include the love of helping people with specific disabilities, specific smells, specific animals, children, infants, trees, eating, cars or other machines, poetry, specific toys, the tactile feel of specific things, specific sports, muscles, learning, and sleeping.  Other such known loves (ex. flowers) have been pre-empted by other sciences.

There must be many other great, powerful, and popular ‘Loves’, between retrophilia and eager anticipation, which occupy our minds and permeate our lives while having no official English name.

All the Love in the World

Introducing Harmony Mandelbrot

This is to introduce Harmony.  No one else has apparently undertaken to name this well-known bulbous Mandelbrot creature, any more than anyone else has apparently previously correlated her cavities with cerebral sectors (Hemispheres, Temporal lobes, Cerebellum, Medulla oblongata), before.  So we’re going to call her Harmony.

It would be interesting to determine if indeed the vortex of our scalp cowlicks leads directly to the pineal gland (crown chakra).  Every vortex has an attendant torus and notably, in this case, it would create a halo ring positioned precisely where halos are depicted over sacred figures in religious iconography. This is depicted as such in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and of ancient Greece and Rome.

The halo symbolizes awakening.

Years ago I read, in some now non citable spiritual resource, that when the normally pear-shaped pineal gland opens, like a lotus, it causes the newly enlightened person’s head to begin to glow.  If this is a real phenomenon it must be extraordinarily rare as I don’t think that it has been seen or recorded in modern times.  Or perhaps it’s limited only to those who can see auras?

Is it possible that Harmony is a diagram of spiritual awakening?  Actually discovering the experience, no doubt, is something significantly greater than discovering its electromagnetic schematic.

It is possible that the Mandelbrot Fractal is a carrier wave for the lower frequency Fibonacci spiral.  Both are tunnelling and recursive but the Mandelbrot fractal appears to have multiple options for direction.

Is it possible that other representations of Harmony along her depicted fractal path correspond to other brains in our local, and/or remote, environments?  Separate brain sectors sometimes remotely harmonize brain waves with one another.  Do we harmonize, via Harmony, with other life?

Dual hemispheres, representing higher brain functions, are present in mammals as well as, allegedly, E.T.s, but the pineal gland is far more prolific in animals being found in almost all vertebrate species including birds.  The lower frequency Fibonacci spiral affects us in the same manner as it affects ferns.

The Mandelbrot fractal IS a high frequency antenna and, in fact, the projection forward from the cleft between Harmony’s two hemispheres, which could originate from the pituitary gland (third eye), extending to the 5 tendrils, is called, by mathematicians, a “tendril antenna”.

Harmony appears to be an antenna that brings to life the most fundamental Universal Law:  We are One.

Discover The Fractal Frequencies Connected To Your Brains

When giving someone a haircut it’s helpful to know that hair grows outward in a spiral pattern from the cowlick.  It’s our own personal spiral galaxy on the back of our skulls but what EM fields exactly influence the receptive black hole at the center?  Is it the pineal gland aka crown chakra?

The frequencies that created this spiral must include a recursive binary fractal algorithm similar to, if not precisely, the Mandelbrot set that represents the Fibonacci spiral.  A human cowlick algorithm measurement doesn’t appear to be available online.  This cowlick spiral connects us with the Fibonacci spirals of nature.

The Mandelbrot Fractal

Do we all sport this bulbous Mandelbrot frequency pattern like a yamaka creature on the back of our skulls complete with areas representing two hemispheres, the temporal lobes, and a cerebellum tail extending down the medulla oblongata?

This Mandelbrot figure superimposed over the back of a human brain doesn’t appear to have been a diagram undertaken anywhere online before and this may be the first such correlated observation.

Our brains are also physically wired in an upward hierarchic binary fractal tree in its form as are our thoughts.

 Minkowski Island fractal tree antenna

Image courtesy Wikipedia

A similar binary fractal antenna tree to the one above evolved rotary telephones into Star Trek communicators and smart phones.  Computer code and logic, too, are  binary fractal trees in form.  So is epigenetics and, in fact, the entirety of the human experience and the Universe.

The simplest branch of human binary fractal intrinsically hierarchical trees are like a diagramed competition in a sports tournament wherein only the victor proceeds.

An enthusiastic and information-dense 2 hr. lecture by Wai h tsang regarding the ubiquity of recursive binary fractal trees in the human experience

“One symmetry of process extends all the way through everything.”

This ‘theory of everything’ algorithm has 3 basic components: 1. Symmetry 2. Recursion 3. Self-similarity

This binary fractal also extends itself through the sequence of time.

This Mandelbrot zoom captures the feeling of the influence of fractals throughout the human experience and beyond.

The Fibonacci spiral is ubiquitous in nature (albeit the oft-cited conch shell is a different spiral algorithm) and is so integral to us as part of the ecosphere that it’s first use was to predict population growth.  The questions are; Is this spiral solely a genetic biological mechanism extending outwards or are we also currently receptive to it , or a similar spiral algorithm, externally?  If so what influence does it have?

Did you know that ‘Recipient’ is an adjective too?

The Schumann frequency is the base resonant frequency of the Earth which is currently increasing dramatically in amplitude due to increased lightning strikes caused by global warming.  There’s no avoiding that this increase is having a physical affect on our bodies by whatever receiver model.

Winifried Otto Schumann, first determined in 1957 that the most predominant standing wave for Earth-ionosphere cavity resonance is 7.83 Hz.  During states of deep relaxation, such as during meditation, brain waves in the 6-8 Hz. range have been detected.  The Schumann resonance falls in the low end of the Alpha band just above the 7.5 range of Delta which is said to be that of deep meditation.

It’s a healing frequency.

“For a decade, Robert Beck researched the brain wave activity of healers from all cultures and religious backgrounds (he enumerates psychics, shamans, dowsers, Christian healers, seers, ESP readers, kahuna, Santeria, wicca practitioners and others).  Independent of their belief systems, each exhibited ‘nearly identical EEG signatures’ during their ‘healing’ moments: a 7.8-8 Hz brainwave activity, which lasted from one to several seconds and which was ‘phase and frequency-synchronized with the earth’s geoelectric micropulsations – the Schumann resonance’.”  – Lian Sidorov, Psi researcher

The most common brain waves, with which external fractal frequencies, could interact, are in the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma bands.  All of them are recursive binary fractals.

1. Delta (0.5-4Hz) — The Deep Sleep Wave, aka slow wave dreamless sleep, is linked with healing and regeneration.  It stimulates several hormones including growth and pituitary.

2. Theta (4-7.5Hz) — Associated with motor behaviour.

3. Alpha (7.5-14 Hz) — This Deep Relaxation Wave usually occurs with eyes closed during daydreaming or light meditation.  This state optimal for programing concentration, imagination, learning, memory and success.  At the base of conscious awareness it’s the gateway to the subconscious mind. It’s the voice of intuition that becomes deeper and more clear as the frequency slows.

4. Beta (14-40Hz) — It’s possible that enhancing Beta brain waves could heighten alertness, critical reasoning and logic but it’s also the home of that critical inner voice and it could trigger anxiety restlessness and stress.  For these reasons, care should be taken with any Beta wave enhancement protocols.  Most adults normally function in Beta.

5. Gamma (above 40Hz) – The Compassion Wave.  Not to be confused with gamma rays these originate in the thalamus gland (aka the Crown Chakra) and sweep the brain from front-to-back 4o times per second syncing up neuronal circuits.  Tibetan monk masters meditating on compassion are able to maintain a coherent signal indicating that the ability is trainable.  Otherwise it’s associated with sensory processing, mainly in the visual cortex, and is maximally coherent during slow-wave REM sleep.  Energizing compassion has been known to correlate with precognition.

‘Brainwave Entrainment’ are methodologies used to stimulate the brain into entering a specific state by using a pulsing sound, light, or electromagnetic field.

Going the organic route might be safest via contemplating ‘Compassion’ similar to the meditative way of the Tibetan Monk Masters.

While extreme slowing down to a meditative, or deep sleep, state is requisite to enter the Gamma state, relaxing and contemplating the following list of compassion-related words could be incrementally beneficial particularly if contemplated 20 minutes before falling asleep.


Abidingness, Acceptance, Accord, Acknowledgement, Admiration, Adoration, Adulation, Affection, Affinity, AgapeAilurophilia, Allegiance, Alliance, Altruism, Amativeness, Amiability, Amiableness, Amicability, Amicableness, Amity, Amore, Amour-propre, Appeal, Appraisal, Appreciation, Appreciativeness, Approbation, Approval, Aroha, Attachment, Attraction, Avidity, Awareness, BeguinBenefaction, Beneficence, Benevolence, Benevolentness, Bigheartedness, Billet-douxBibliophiliaBiophiliaBonhomie, Bliss, Brightness, Brotherhood, Camaraderie, Care, Caritas, Charitableness, Charity, Choice, Cognizance, Comfort, Comity, Commiseration, Commitment, Communion, Community, Companionship, Compassion, Compassionateness, Compatibility, Completion, Comprehension, Concord, Condolence, Connection, Consideration, Consonance, Cooperation, Deference, Delight, Devotedness, Devotion, Elevation, Emotion, Empathy, Enamouredness, Enchantment, Endearment, Faithfulness, Fancy, Favour, Feeling, Fellowship, Fidelity, Fondness, Forbearance, Forgiveness, Fraternity, Friendliness, Friendship, Generosity, Geniality, Gentleness, Givingness, Godliness, Good wishes, Goodness, Goodwill, Grace, Graciousness, Harmony,  Heart, Heartiness, Helpfulness, HippophiliaHonour, Humaneness, Humanitarianism, Idealism, Idealization, Increase, Infatuation, Innocence, Inspiration, Interest, Joy, Kindheartedness, Kindness, Kinship, Law (Universal), Largeheartedness, Largesse, Lenience, Leniency, Lenity, Life, Like-mindedness, Logophilia, Loveableness, LovingMagnanimity, Mercy, Mindset, Mood, Mutuality, Neighbourlikeness, Neighbourliness, Nourishment, Nurture, Oneness, Option, Pacifism, Pardon, Partiality, PashPassion, Penchant, Perception, Perfection, PhilalethiaPhilanthropism, Philanthropy, Philocaly, PhilogynyPhilologyPhilomathy, Philosophicalness, Philosophy, PhiloxeniaPleasure, PluviophiliaPotency, Preciousness, Predilection, Predisposition, Preference, Prized, Probity, Propensity, Purity, QuintessenceRapportRapprochement, Rapture, Reaction, Reciprocity, Recognition, Regard, Respect, Responsiveness, RetrophiliaRevelry, Reverence, Romanticism, Sanction, Satisfaction, Selection, Sensation, Sensibility, Sensitivity, Sensuality, Sentiment, Sentimentality, Service, Sharing, Sheltering, Shielding, Sincerity, Sisterhood, Sociability, Sociality, SodalitySoftheartedness, Solidarity, Spark, Spirituality, Steadfastness, Support, Sweetener, Sweetness, Sympathy, Tenderheartedness, Tenderness, Theological Virtue, Theophilanthropism, Togetherness, Tolerance, Treasure, Trust, Truthfulness, Typhlophilia, Understanding, Unfailingness, Union, Unison, UnicityUnity, Urge, Valuation, Value, Veneration, Virtue, Warmheartedness, Warmth, Welcome, Wholeheartedness, Wisdom, Xenophilia, Xenophily, Yen

The word Philosophy originates with the Greek ‘Philos” (In love with…) “Sophia” (…Wisdom).

These brain waves, from Delta to Gamma, oscillate together remotely via sympathetic resonance in octave harmony.  (See above Wai h tsang lecture at 23:30)
It’s worth noting that the brain may not be the only transmitter/receiver in the human system.  All of the endocrine system centers could be similar and the specifically the Heartmath Institute has found evidence that the heart radiates a sensitive field.
Every thought and emotion must have it’s own particular combination of delicate brain wave oscillations. The thoughts inherent in these Positive Emotions induce an increased awareness of unicity and so, in addition to their obvious intrinsic good feelings, are good brain waves to contemplate.
The epitome of desirable frequencies may be the word ‘Gramercy‘ from the French “Grand Merci”.  It’s Great Appreciation with a touch of Awe incorporating all of Love and Joy and inviting Ubiquity into the picture.
The EM frequency for life itself is certainly significantly fractal.


Thaumatology – The Study of miracles

Most recorded miracles appear to occur within the Catholic and Indian faiths. One observation is that both Catholic and Indian belief systems have a, perhaps softer, more loving, and often less-punitive female deity.  Female deities birth more miracles via love.

Nature is often regarded as a basis for verifying the miraculous, most often citing birth.

A perquisite commonality between miracles would necessarily be accord with the Universal Laws that govern all things everywhere:

1. We are One

2. Love is Law; Law is Love

3. Cause & Effect (aka ‘Attraction’)  Like attracts like & Like Begets Like; As ye sow, so shall ye reap; As a man thinketh in the heart, so is he.

4. Karma (Cause & Effect that spans lifetimes) and Grace (Karma off for good behavior)

Awe is a commonality too but is it a desirable prerequisite rather than just an after affect?

“Hence, in the fruits of that – as is given oft, as the fruits of the spirit – does man become aware of the infinite penetrating, or inter-penetrating the activities of all forces of matter, or that which is a manifestation of the realm of the infinite into the finite – and the finite becomes conscious of same. As to the application of these as truths, then: It may be said that, as the man makes in self – through the ability given for man in his activity in a material plane – the will one with the laws of creative influence, we begin with: “Like begets like – As he sows, so shall he reap – As the man thinketh in the heart, so is he.” These are all but trite sayings to most of us, even the thinking man; but should the mind of an individual (the finite mind) turn within his own being for the law pertaining to these trite sayings, until the understanding arises, then there is the consciousness in the finite of the infinite moving upon and in the inner self. So does life in all its force begin in the earth. The moving of the infinite upon the (polar) negative force of the finite in the material, or to become a manifested force.” – Edgar Cayce (262-52)

Also, according to Edgar Cayce, the performance of miracles requires certainty, courage, love of all, and complete selflessness in God’s purpose.

Foundation for A Course in Miracles

Any other commonalities between miracles? What are they?

Question 2: Parmahansa Yogananda traveled to experience many various miracle workers in his landmark book Autobiography of a Yogi.


Did he come to any common conclusions?

Note: Catholic mirabilia isn’t always devoid of punitive measures as is evidenced by the impending Garabandal prophecy

Positive Word Lists


To the Covert and Military Agencies of the U.S.A.

To The Covert and Military

Agencies of the U.S.A.

I’ve tried and failed in coming up with a polite/positive way to say: I have little doubt that you don’t even realize how badly your ass is getting kicked from all sides right now.

  1. For starters: Russia has their man in the White House; an anti-Christ**, no less.
  2. Is the Secret Service still in charge of computer crime and protecting the presidency?  The exit polls don’t lie.
  3. You’re still fighting for oil during an era of an inevitable and increasing shift towards renewables.
  4. Most are losing the internal battle, the BIG IMPORTANT war, in accordance with the Universal Laws.  (1. We are One  2. Love is Law )
  5. You had ONE oath*.  One.  With the “Patriot” Act America has lost its Freedom and you’re the perpetrators.

*  “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;…”

**  “The spirit of hate, the anti-Christ, is contention strife, fault-finding, lovers of self, lovers of praise. Those are the anti-Christ, and take possession of groups, masses, and show themselves even in the lives of men.”  – Edgar Cayce 281-16

~ End of Message ~


How Best to Help The Poor

Evidently some people claim that no one has ever said the statement posited at the opening of the above video; “Immigration can help reduce world poverty” citing that this could be an argument for outsourcing.  It identifies the initiative of the indigenous people as the solution however, and not an external employer.  The excellent question; “Who deserves our compassion?” is also asked.  The minimum standard answer, in terms of immigration, is ‘Refugees’.   “The poorest of the poor” is a good response in general.   It also wisely points out how and where best to help them; “Where they are”.  It ends with the statement “Let’s help them there”.

Where, precisely, is that?

No one points this out better than KIVA and a loan only costs $25.

Other foreign aid could be prioritized to water because it’s so fundamental that no one can work on anything else until they have it.

Beyond that solar panels for nocturnal enlightenment and/or hardware charging . Cell phones help a producer to get the best possible price for crops/products/materials etc.

The first step in transportation-related hardware is a bicycle.  It greatly expedites business including getting products and services to market.  Local bicycle industries are a good home-based business idea in some areas.

Donations turn thoughts into things quickly

As a consequence of thinking about this video a link to the University of the People  was added to some International Positive Adjectives (Hindi, China, Latin America [Spanish]) pages of our Systemagic website.   It’s the first fully accredited online university with free tuition and text books.  It offers a free education to the poor of the world based solely on their educational merit.



Solar Power Now

New light is dawning.

Worldwide growth of photovoltaics for solar energy has been fitting an exponential curve for more than two decades and the industry, in the U.S., is growing at 12 times the rate of the rest of the economy.  Solar energy is the front runner in terms of everything good about energy including the obvious geopolitical implications.  No wonder everyone is embracing it.

US Solar Energy Employs more people than oil coal and gas combined – Forbes  [Related ‘Homemade Solar Power’ Links.  Worth it if your home is staying in your family as well as for resale attraction.]

From mega solar farms to lighting the smallest hut the democratization of energy via solarvoltaics is not only underway but skyrocketing!

The really good news is that Solar Power is expected to be the dominant form of energy by 2050; and an inevitable certainty is always a good thing to run with.  In fact, because it’s more efficient and economical the oil industry itself has been using Solar Power.

Being knowledgeable about EV or hybrid car options will soon be normal.

A “Teslaphile” originally meant someone who loves the man Nicola Tesla, and what he stood for, but recently the word’s meaning has evolved to include the electric cars.  Tesla is the car company that has most elevated electric cars to the status of something that would be cool to drive. Will the meaning of Teslaphile one day also include the company’s interests in Solar Power generation and storage?

Nearest Tesla Dealership and Charging Stations Locator

One of the least expensive entry-level energy-saving cars, from a reliable company, is the hybrid Toyota Prius C.

Literally, metaphorically, empirically, spiritually and, importantly; inevitably its time to head towards the light with all due alacrity.  It’s time to enjoy a certain sunrise industry.  No matter what the news brings, the future is ‘Sunny Side Up’.



The Christmas of the Second Coming

December 24, 2016


Christ is Currently Being Reborn on Earth.

“For, His is the Son of Light, of God, and is holy before Him.  And He comes again in the hearts and souls and minds of those that seek to know His ways.”  Edgar Cayce 5749-5              

We are one…

…including with the aggressive and militarized police as evidenced in the encounter with the Dakota Water Protectors.  Many officers and even entire police forces quit.  They couldn’t continue to commit the crimes and felonies of the rest of their colleagues.  The only oath that U.S. military officers swear to is to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and, notwithstanding the fact the National “Guard” et al were plainly assaulting many constitutional freedoms including Assembly, Religion, and the Press, still no known military officer has yet stood up for what is right.  Such is the force of the chain of command – aka the isolation of blame or Institutional Evil as described by Dr. M. Scott Peck in his analysis of the My Lai Massacre.

The front lines aren’t physical but rather are found within each and every individual heart. 

“For, what must be obliterated? Hate, prejudice, selfishness, back-biting, unkindness, anger, passion, and those things of the mire that are created in the activities of the sons of men.”  Edgar Cayce 5749-4

Is it now required that a soldier become a veteran in order to liberate his conscience from the chain of command and truly fight for America’s freedom again?

We’re not just one with police and military forces corrupted by the U.S. Corporatocracy, but also with the selfish corporations themselves and the 1% who run them.

Edgar Cayce’s 5-Step Dream Interpretation

I participate in an on-line dream analysis group and occasionally assist people analyzing their dreams largely with the help of Kevin Todeschi’s superlative Dream Images and Symbols book.  This is one of the cornerstones of growth via the Edgar Cayce methodology.

A woman who I know recently had a dream about being married to President Elect Donald Trump.  In it she sat there beside him at a formal dinner surrounded by one-per-centers feeling like a complete outsider – but knowing that, by the strength of her presence and conviction she would fortify the gathering with, love, compassion, oneness and gratitude.  She would hold the positive energy for those among them who would come to know her and thereby come to know it.

Just like this dreamer we all need to recognize our Oneness with all the other Children of God, no matter how selfish they are, while steadfastly standing up for the Universal Laws which are as immutable as the laws of physics and the Corporatocratically-denied climate science.

Love is Law; Law is Love

“Time never was when there was not a Christ and not a Christ-mass… (There) is in every birth — the possibilities, the glories, the actuating of that influence of that entrance again of god-man into the Earth… 

Know this had no beginning in the 1900 years ago, but again and Again and Again! And it may be today…  …is an opportunity for the Christ-entrance again.”  Edgar Cayce 262-103

“Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do …”  John 14:12

For some individuals Christ was reborn at the turn of the Millennium, for others it was at the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.  For some it is the prophesy of Revelations 20:1-6 “He shall rule for 1000 years”.  In the hearts of many Christ is already afoot.

The onset of Christ Consciousness doesn’t come in one great rush of ascendance but rather little by little, line by line, bit by slowly-accumulated bit.

May this revelation of Christmas, and its 2nd coming uplift your heart throughout the holiday season, 2017, and well beyond!

Tidings of Wonder and Joy!