Tag Archives: positive words


Ever since my weather altering experience 5 years ago that related to flying with swallows the next day I’ve been experimenting, while jogging, with taking positive words and adding to the thought of them the inherent heart, lung, and limb pumping emotional drive inherent to running in natural environments.

I’m recording them here in my jog log blogs because 1) I like to write about extraordinary things and 2) I’m unaware of anyone else ever having done experiments like this so this record could be important.

My fallback jogging word has long been Gramercy, and I’ve also used some of the words found on the web page that I created related to Law of Attraction Vocabulary, but more recently I’ve just gone with the random (inverse alphabetical) word that happens to come up on my Facebook ‘Positive Word of the Day’ post as was the case with my most recent blog post ‘Thaumatology“.

Evidently these positive word jogs are about both Thaumatology and Thaumaturgy

Yesterday the word of the day was Argus-eyed which means Vigilant.


Some positive words are better suited to this attempted inducement than others and I thought Argus-eyed might not be one of them, so I thought that I could always use my fallback words of Love and Gramercy. But I thought about being Argus-eyed as well as I set off on my jog at Deer Lake.

At one point on this jog there’s a lookout tower that I jog up and use as a rest stop to shake my legs out a bit.

Time Cop

There’s “TIME COP” graffiti on the floor boards atop this lookout tower in the woods that suggests that it’s a remote teleportation station for temporal law enforcement officers.

This was the perfect outlook location for Argus-eyed contemplation.

When I was descending the stairs, we could barely glimpse each other beyond the bushes, when a dog, because of my presence, started barking aggressively. The young lady owner apologized for it’s ‘puppy behavior’ and I noted that the manner in which its tail was wagging indicated that it was feeling happy.

She held her dog firmly in place with her foot on its long leash. Her dog had the countenance of a large all-black border collie. I told her quickly about my word of the day, that her dog looked a lot like the dog in my Argus-eyed positive word of the day picture, and that the word means “Vigilant” and she said yes, that her dog was extremely vigilant.

Before this I couldn’t imagine how a word like Argus-eyed could present itself in real life, and I never see dogs at Deer Lake but in this way this dog, utterly impeccably and perfectly, reminded me that while vision plays a part, the primary meaning of the word is VIGILANCE.