C Law – Creation

Quantum U


“Spirit is the life, Mind is the builder, Physical is the result.” – Edgar Cayce


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3 Majical Gifts

“200 studies worldwide find that happiness leads to success in nearly every domain,

including work, health, friendship, sociability, creativity, and energy.”  -The Happiness Advantage P.21

Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage has come up with a 45 second rule.  It’s mentioned at about the 3:45 minute mark of the following video:

The rule is to list, daily, within 45 seconds, 3 positive things that happened to you during the previous 24 hours. There must be a “Why?” component and it can’t be the same thing twice.  The net affect of this is that it induces humans to become happier-in-the-moment.  Humans then enjoy appreciation/gratitude – a contraction, I believe, of “Great” and “Attitude”.

“Happiness is not the belief that we don’t need to change; it is the realization that we can.”  -The Happiness Advantage P. 24


 Bless your New Year with Happiness!

These 3 gifts are primary.  There will be a secondary post in a couple of weeks which depends on this post having been learned.   Many humans know rules like these but appear to bespeak of them more than acting on them.  The difference means everything – and they really like this one!



The Prime Directive: L Law

    • The Prime Directive:  Thou Shalt Love the Lord thy God,* with all thine heart and thy brother as thyself**.  Luke, Mathew and Edgar Cayce’s Whole Law (1603-1)

Love love


More Percussion from the forest  (Previous)

Like begets like


H waving at Absolute Zero (Imitation Flattery)


A Wee Bit of God (Alien Perspective)

*If God is unthinkable then ‘Non-local quantum consciousness’ or ‘All that is’ might work.

**Also known as “The Golden Rule“.

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Flower Power

“We’re coming for you!”

“Flower power was a slogan used during the late 1960s and early 1970s as a symbol of passive resistance and non-violence ideology.” Wikipedia

Photo credit: Stoonn via FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Water is mandatory for life (as Earth knows it*) and is thereby necessary when undertaking terraforming.  Flowers have been garnering energy from the gentle power of water’s capillary action ever since plants first raised their little heads during Earth’s first terraformation. Capillary action utilizes the omnipresent surface tension property of water.  It’s also necessary for proper functioning of the human body.  Humans are mostly comprised of water and this flower power is within each of them.

Capillary Action is a Perpetual Motion Pump.

   The city of New Westminster, in British Columbia, took the integral capillary action a of flowers a step further, with their flower box terraformation, to benefit plants with shallower root systems in coexisting alongside their more deeply rooted counterparts.



New Westminster Flower Box photo courtesy of Claude Lemieux for the city of New Westminster

Years ago the Horticulture Department of the city of New Westminster discovered that a short piece (no more than 24 inches) of yacht braid polyester rope** (which was actually advertised as ‘non-absorptive’) planted vertically in the soil of their flower boxes, would actually “squirt” water, drawn from a deeper reservoir, out of its top.   The capillarity is higher in a fiber rope than it is in a standard glass capillary tube.  A rope segment deployed this way is effectively a water pump that never ceases to function, with no energy input, in an apparently closed system.

The amount of EMF that can be generated from the capillary action of water is negligible. It would take an inordinately large power plant to generate enough power for an average household, for example.  The important thing is that water breaks the rule and that the fundamental principle of energy conservancy isn’t a Universal Law.  The surface tension of water never gets depleted and capillary action’s perpetuity IS a universal law everywhere that water/life exists*.

1)  Even though they dramatically displace the environment, river and tidal energy dams are a anthropologically understandable way to have historically generated significant amounts of hydroelectricity on any hydrous planet.  Moving forward, however, it’s good to see that humans have developed Blue Energy for environmentally friendly scalable power generation from either river currents or ocean tides which isn’t dependent on the height/depth of the water.

2) Another hydroelectric resource is the implosion energy of  the Schauberger water vortex.

     “At the time I was still unaware that in water the greatest secret lay hidden.”   Victor Schauberger

Victor Schauberger Vortex

     “How could we have missed this universal machine?  Why have we ignored the vortex, the workhorse of the universe.”   William Baumgartner

3)  Notice the vortexes on the home page of Blacklight Power.  Researchers and scientists from NASA and the U.S. Navy are among those who have contributed to this private company.  They use H2O vapor as the source of H2 fuel tightening its electron radii into a “Hydrino” which results in an immediate release of an overunity energy yield 200 times greater than merely burning H2.  At 10 times more energy output than is invested into the process this overunity yield is significantly greater than that of energy resource number 4…

4)  Water’s cavitation (the knocking sound sometimes heard in pipes).  Deuterium (aka heavy water) fuses more rapidly than tap water and is therefore most often the preferred fuel for sonofusion aka. sonoluminescence, or bubble fusion.

     “Sonofusion has the potential for the complete replacement of CO2-producing fuels.  This would have world-changing consequences.”  Roger Stringham, PhD sonofusion pioneer

James Grigg’s hydrosonic pump, a cold fusion cavitation device now retitled the Shockwave Power Reactor (SPR), is available for sale today from Hydrodynamics Inc.  It delivers its (160%) overunity yield into biofuel and petroleum industry processes, among others, and is currently commercially available to laboratories.


5)  A SPR’s hot water output propelling a tapered auger  heat engine made of Memory Metal (NITINOL) could benefit from compound overunity efficiencies.  Many articles have been written and many patents have been granted for Memory Metal.  So far, however, the Earthly applications appear to have been limited to high stress medical implants and novelty toys.  The compound efficiency of these two devices could significantly reduce organizational utility bills.

The children of Earth will finally come of age when they’ve embraced this life energy which is in accord with the laws of nature.  Water is within humans, falling from the sky, and all around them.  This resource really should be much more developed by now on this planet. It doesn’t usually take life forms this long.

“For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, that spreadeth out its roots by the river, and shall not fear when heat cometh, but its leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.”   – Jeremiah 17:8

It’s the birth rite of life.

This book (from U.K.), by Jeane Manning & Joel Garbon, is unavailable in North America

*Edgar Cayce gave readings regarding non-flesh-and-blood soul entities inhabiting our solar system as entities living largely within and about the fourth and fifth dimensional environs of its planets.  Source

**For convenience sake the city of New Westminster has since replaced the rope with a piece of the slower felt liner already used in the flower boxes.

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Universal Laws

In the previous “First Contact” post I alluded to vibration affecting things remotely, in unseen ways as well as to universal physical laws (formulae) and societal laws such as altruism.  These are laws that work the same everywhere throughout the universe and enable life, and specifically biological entities, to thrive at their best when living and working in accord with them.

There are many more Universal Laws:

Everything Vibrates

Chladni Song

Colourful Chladni

More on Cymatics

Note that the shapes created have an organic appearance.  This could be formative ‘chamber’ music for cells or capillaries.

Is a particular buzz synced with a honeycomb hex?

“The Universe is singing and this frequency is what keeps every part of the Universe and every atom in its proper orbit.”   T. Henry Moray

The Shumann resonances are the Earth’s resonant frequencies from the planet’s magnetic field.  Their amplitudes (not frequency) have been increasing (getting louder) in correlation with global warming.  Hear here!  Is this the electromagnetic ecosystem reasserting itself against an unnatural temperature increase or is it just a facet of the increased frequency of lightning storms caused by global warming?   Aren’t lightning strikes archetypal symbols for an angry God?   Resulting forest fires just increase CO2 emissions accelerating more the runaway train of global warming.  Whatever the case the Schumann resonances are getting stronger and Earth physiologies are immersed in it.

People vibrate on moral frequencies.

Edgar Cayce’s Universal Laws

Aside from the laws of physical preservation and perpetuation of self via procreation here are the spiritual Universal Laws:

  • We are One.
  • Like Attracts/Begets Like & Opposites Repel. a) Karma & Grace transcend lifetimes and occurrences within the same lifetime are known as the Law of b) ‘Cause & Effect’
  • Law of Increase The spirit of your actions multiplies the result.
  • Love Is Law. Law is Love. Love God above all else and love thy neighbour as thyself.
  • Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, the physical is the result. 
  • The Power of Expectancy.  Not a Universal Law but it gives energy to creative power.

Positive Adjective Glossary                The Positive Word of the Day

Many more such Laws are elucidated in this book:

Kevin Todeschi on Vibration

  Coming Soon: Universal Energy Laws

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First Contact

If at all, how one makes first contact, who with, and the message that one communicates are all important considerations for a new arrival on an inhabited planet.  These are particularly disconcerting considerations on a planet with established defenses on the dark side of their moon to prevent an imaginary Earth invasion fleet from staging an attack from there.

There’s a story by Earth author Kurt Vonnegut wherein a couple of ETs visit Earth and have trouble communicating because, on their home planet, interpersonal communication is accomplished via a sophisticated combination of tap dancing and farting.  Sadly, no matter how vigorously they apply themselves, they’re unable to make themselves understood and so must leave the sphere dejected with all their beneficence, vast knowledge and advanced technology unrequited.

Previous interstellar attempts at communication with Earth have been, of course, mathematical in form because math and physics are necessary universal constants that permeate all worlds.  This attempted ET communication has been repeatedly presented, to Earth, in the form of crop circles illustrating fundamental base-12 math.

Base 12 math is the math of (360 degree) cycles, spheres, time, and music (7 whole notes and 5 half notes in the pentatonic scale).   Unfortunately it wasn’t anticipated that Earth’s inhabitants would still be counting on their fingers and toes using base-10 math.  We don’t even know if they’ve broadly figured out yet that ET nonexistence is a mathematical impossibility.

Bobby Mcferrin on the pentatonic scale

There are established physical matrices that enable life everywhere to thrive most easily in harmony with natural forces.  These include the ubiquitous dynamic growth of the Fibonacci sequence, the beautiful elaborate eternity of fractals, the Toroidal energy pattern, and so on.  (Altruism too, is a necessary Universal Law for societies to thrive.)  We really admire the fractal arrangements of Earth’s trees and the Fibonacci sequences in their pine cones and the toroids in their fruit.  All this math and more has been presented to Earth via crop circles.

What has been the response to these elegantly simple, even beautiful, ET wheat field overtures?

Some responded by affixing ropes to planks and deploying them with their foot by stomping out nonsensical patterns in crops.  Others, the superior custodians of human values and disclosure, known by themselves to be more civilized and restrained in their emotional response than most, typically choose to blow any ET vehicles out of the sky and then analyze the pieces.

Between crop stomping and blowing things up Earth’s inhabitants have pretty much been putting on an exaggerated and clumsy exhibition of tremendous tap dancing and farting.

Under the circumstances perhaps a better media choice for first contact would be a musical overture of the some kind?  Music embodies base-12 math and desired harmonic vibrations.  Here’s historic archival footage of the discovery of music on Earth:

The earliest dueling drums around the camp fire led to cognizance that it was being heard, experienced, and interacted with by the greater environment and other communities.  This was the first earthly inkling that vibrations can touch others in remote and unseen ways.

Chief Dan George wrote a short story about the time when he told the story of The Wolf* to his young grandson.   When Chief Dan George had been a youngster, and his grandfather had related the story to him, at the end his grandfather had tilted his head back, cupped his hands around his mouth, and howled like a wolf.  Eventually, magically, one-by-one the wolves in the surrounding mountains would join in answering back in one great and powerful howling chorus.  The effect had been commanding, impressive, and moving.  When Chief Dan George told the story to his grandson, and howled into the air at the end, the effect was silence…  His grandson looked at him as if he was a crazy and returned to his video game.

This perspective, albeit more benign, is similar to the concern with regards to ET communications with Earth.

Note: The Wolf* is a creationist story to Chief Dan George’s wolf clan tribe which once thrived by Vancouver’s Burrard Inlet.  Most Vancouver residents are unaware of the many naked moonscapes that exist on the other side of visible mountains.  Having been deforested the soil from these mountains has completely eroded away leaving nothing but barren rock.  The trees visible from the Sea-to-Sky Highway are just a facade serving, pretty much, as a backdrop for a theatre set.

Terra-forming lesson:  Most species must venture far to learn to create an environment that supports life.  The people of British Columbia are fortunate to have created this opportunity right in their back yard.  An acidic and sticky growth medium, like spilled milk, would be good for implanting moss and lichens on their vast denuded mountainsides.  The moss would then be able to slowly gather wind-borne particles enough to start forming sufficient soil in which an eventual occasional shrub can grow.  In this manner this rain forest area could recover it’s former lush growth in, perhaps 1500 years instead of 2000.  Wolves might even return sooner.


Photograph courtesy of Pixdaus

The best communicative vibrations that cause maximum benefit to humans, and extend outward to others, are those that cause an influx of Serotonin.

Quotes from Earth doctors:

“We know, on the basis of biochemical studies and brain imaging studies, that the level of serotonin goes up in certain areas of the brain when people experience compassion and empathy for other people.”

“People who do volunteer work; compassionate empathic work in which they deeply care for someone else, have not only a sense of well being, often a sense of euphoria, but they get sick less.”                                                           – Dr. Larry Dossey

“Our research has shown that the same deep brain structures that are activated when you receive a reward like money or food are activated even more when we give to an organization that we support.”     Dr. Jordan Grafman, NIH

“Seratonin is a hormone that not only makes you happy it also increases your self esteem.”  – Dr. Deepak Chopra

“Whether it is something that we do or something that we observe it’s very difficult to remain indifferent to an act of kindness.”  – Tal Ben-Shahar Phd.


In the interest of broadcasting vibrations that are best for every living entity in the vicinity, as a first step in interpersonal communication with Earth’s inhabitants, I’ll make a hand gesture towards them cupping my hands together in front of me suggesting symbolic giving. (At a deeper level this symbolizes the offering of my heart).

My Hands

 “My designation is UNIR1”


The Martyan Craft Alights

The spacecraft door lowers with a soft “shshshshsh…”.

Having just recently awakened from a long cryogenic slumber I gaze, bleary-eyed, out upon this strange new world.  It’s a bright symphony of blues, and greens, and browns and blacks. “Hello World!” No answer…   …except for birds…   …chirping.

I descend the stairs feeling a little weak, a little clumsy, and stiff. To the left lies a stunningly beautiful countryside.  A breeze tugs me gently in the other direction.  In the distance, to the right, lies a majestic cityscape of concrete and steel…  …and that astounding blue sky circumrounding it all.

One small step for Marty. One  giant leap for Martykind!” My first tenuous step touches down on pliant Earth.

Turning around it dawns on me that I don’t know where I’m going.  There’s a vast unknown sphere to explore and I’m only seeing the tiniest portion of it.  I wonder what lies on the other side?  What’s on the inside?  What are the worlds found inside each of the inhabitants?

It’s almost too much to contemplate.  Where do I begin? Where do I go? During the approach I observed that there’s a single great star that illuminates this entire world.

This must be a world familiar with the concept of “one”.  That’s a very good thing…  …as long as they include me.

Photograph courtesy of Pixdaus

I don’t know if it’s just the aftereffects of cryostasis but I don’t have a clue what I’m going to do next.  I feel certain about one thing though…

…This is gonna be good.

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