Discover The Fractal Frequencies Connected To Your Brains

When giving someone a haircut it’s helpful to know that hair grows outward in a spiral pattern from the cowlick.  It’s our own personal spiral galaxy on the back of our skulls but what EM fields exactly influence the receptive black hole at the center?  Is it the pineal gland aka crown chakra?

The frequencies that created this spiral must include a recursive binary fractal algorithm similar to, if not precisely, the Mandelbrot set that represents the Fibonacci spiral.  A human cowlick algorithm measurement doesn’t appear to be available online.  This cowlick spiral connects us with the Fibonacci spirals of nature.

The Mandelbrot Fractal

Do we all sport this bulbous Mandelbrot frequency pattern like a yamaka creature on the back of our skulls complete with areas representing two hemispheres, the temporal lobes, and a cerebellum tail extending down the medulla oblongata?

This Mandelbrot figure superimposed over the back of a human brain doesn’t appear to have been a diagram undertaken anywhere online before and this may be the first such correlated observation.

Our brains are also physically wired in an upward hierarchic binary fractal tree in its form as are our thoughts.

 Minkowski Island fractal tree antenna

Image courtesy Wikipedia

A similar binary fractal antenna tree to the one above evolved rotary telephones into Star Trek communicators and smart phones.  Computer code and logic, too, are  binary fractal trees in form.  So is epigenetics and, in fact, the entirety of the human experience and the Universe.

The simplest branch of human binary fractal intrinsically hierarchical trees are like a diagramed competition in a sports tournament wherein only the victor proceeds.

An enthusiastic and information-dense 2 hr. lecture by Wai h tsang regarding the ubiquity of recursive binary fractal trees in the human experience

“One symmetry of process extends all the way through everything.”

This ‘theory of everything’ algorithm has 3 basic components: 1. Symmetry 2. Recursion 3. Self-similarity

This binary fractal also extends itself through the sequence of time.

This Mandelbrot zoom captures the feeling of the influence of fractals throughout the human experience and beyond.

The Fibonacci spiral is ubiquitous in nature (albeit the oft-cited conch shell is a different spiral algorithm) and is so integral to us as part of the ecosphere that it’s first use was to predict population growth.  The questions are; Is this spiral solely a genetic biological mechanism extending outwards or are we also currently receptive to it , or a similar spiral algorithm, externally?  If so what influence does it have?

Did you know that ‘Recipient’ is an adjective too?

The Schumann frequency is the base resonant frequency of the Earth which is currently increasing dramatically in amplitude due to increased lightning strikes caused by global warming.  There’s no avoiding that this increase is having a physical affect on our bodies by whatever receiver model.

Winifried Otto Schumann, first determined in 1957 that the most predominant standing wave for Earth-ionosphere cavity resonance is 7.83 Hz.  During states of deep relaxation, such as during meditation, brain waves in the 6-8 Hz. range have been detected.  The Schumann resonance falls in the low end of the Alpha band just above the 7.5 range of Delta which is said to be that of deep meditation.

It’s a healing frequency.

“For a decade, Robert Beck researched the brain wave activity of healers from all cultures and religious backgrounds (he enumerates psychics, shamans, dowsers, Christian healers, seers, ESP readers, kahuna, Santeria, wicca practitioners and others).  Independent of their belief systems, each exhibited ‘nearly identical EEG signatures’ during their ‘healing’ moments: a 7.8-8 Hz brainwave activity, which lasted from one to several seconds and which was ‘phase and frequency-synchronized with the earth’s geoelectric micropulsations – the Schumann resonance’.”  – Lian Sidorov, Psi researcher

The most common brain waves, with which external fractal frequencies, could interact, are in the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma bands.  All of them are recursive binary fractals.

1. Delta (0.5-4Hz) — The Deep Sleep Wave, aka slow wave dreamless sleep, is linked with healing and regeneration.  It stimulates several hormones including growth and pituitary.

2. Theta (4-7.5Hz) — Associated with motor behaviour.

3. Alpha (7.5-14 Hz) — This Deep Relaxation Wave usually occurs with eyes closed during daydreaming or light meditation.  This state optimal for programing concentration, imagination, learning, memory and success.  At the base of conscious awareness it’s the gateway to the subconscious mind. It’s the voice of intuition that becomes deeper and more clear as the frequency slows.

4. Beta (14-40Hz) — It’s possible that enhancing Beta brain waves could heighten alertness, critical reasoning and logic but it’s also the home of that critical inner voice and it could trigger anxiety restlessness and stress.  For these reasons, care should be taken with any Beta wave enhancement protocols.  Most adults normally function in Beta.

5. Gamma (above 40Hz) – The Compassion Wave.  Not to be confused with gamma rays these originate in the thalamus gland (aka the Crown Chakra) and sweep the brain from front-to-back 4o times per second syncing up neuronal circuits.  Tibetan monk masters meditating on compassion are able to maintain a coherent signal indicating that the ability is trainable.  Otherwise it’s associated with sensory processing, mainly in the visual cortex, and is maximally coherent during slow-wave REM sleep.  Energizing compassion has been known to correlate with precognition.

‘Brainwave Entrainment’ are methodologies used to stimulate the brain into entering a specific state by using a pulsing sound, light, or electromagnetic field.

Going the organic route might be safest via contemplating ‘Compassion’ similar to the meditative way of the Tibetan Monk Masters.

While extreme slowing down to a meditative, or deep sleep, state is requisite to enter the Gamma state, relaxing and contemplating the following list of compassion-related words could be incrementally beneficial particularly if contemplated 20 minutes before falling asleep.


Abidingness, Acceptance, Accord, Acknowledgement, Admiration, Adoration, Adulation, Affection, Affinity, AgapeAilurophilia, Allegiance, Alliance, Altruism, Amativeness, Amiability, Amiableness, Amicability, Amicableness, Amity, Amore, Amour-propre, Appeal, Appraisal, Appreciation, Appreciativeness, Approbation, Approval, Aroha, Attachment, Attraction, Avidity, Awareness, BeguinBenefaction, Beneficence, Benevolence, Benevolentness, Bigheartedness, Billet-douxBibliophiliaBiophiliaBonhomie, Bliss, Brightness, Brotherhood, Camaraderie, Care, Caritas, Charitableness, Charity, Choice, Cognizance, Comfort, Comity, Commiseration, Commitment, Communion, Community, Companionship, Compassion, Compassionateness, Compatibility, Completion, Comprehension, Concord, Condolence, Connection, Consideration, Consonance, Cooperation, Deference, Delight, Devotedness, Devotion, Elevation, Emotion, Empathy, Enamouredness, Enchantment, Endearment, Faithfulness, Fancy, Favour, Feeling, Fellowship, Fidelity, Fondness, Forbearance, Forgiveness, Fraternity, Friendliness, Friendship, Generosity, Geniality, Gentleness, Givingness, Godliness, Good wishes, Goodness, Goodwill, Grace, Graciousness, Harmony,  Heart, Heartiness, Helpfulness, HippophiliaHonour, Humaneness, Humanitarianism, Idealism, Idealization, Increase, Infatuation, Innocence, Inspiration, Interest, Joy, Kindheartedness, Kindness, Kinship, Law (Universal), Largeheartedness, Largesse, Lenience, Leniency, Lenity, Life, Like-mindedness, Logophilia, Loveableness, LovingMagnanimity, Mercy, Mindset, Mood, Mutuality, Neighbourlikeness, Neighbourliness, Nourishment, Nurture, Oneness, Option, Pacifism, Pardon, Partiality, PashPassion, Penchant, Perception, Perfection, PhilalethiaPhilanthropism, Philanthropy, Philocaly, PhilogynyPhilologyPhilomathy, Philosophicalness, Philosophy, PhiloxeniaPleasure, PluviophiliaPotency, Preciousness, Predilection, Predisposition, Preference, Prized, Probity, Propensity, Purity, QuintessenceRapportRapprochement, Rapture, Reaction, Reciprocity, Recognition, Regard, Respect, Responsiveness, RetrophiliaRevelry, Reverence, Romanticism, Sanction, Satisfaction, Selection, Sensation, Sensibility, Sensitivity, Sensuality, Sentiment, Sentimentality, Service, Sharing, Sheltering, Shielding, Sincerity, Sisterhood, Sociability, Sociality, SodalitySoftheartedness, Solidarity, Spark, Spirituality, Steadfastness, Support, Sweetener, Sweetness, Sympathy, Tenderheartedness, Tenderness, Theological Virtue, Theophilanthropism, Togetherness, Tolerance, Treasure, Trust, Truthfulness, Typhlophilia, Understanding, Unfailingness, Union, Unison, UnicityUnity, Urge, Valuation, Value, Veneration, Virtue, Warmheartedness, Warmth, Welcome, Wholeheartedness, Wisdom, Xenophilia, Xenophily, Yen

The word Philosophy originates with the Greek ‘Philos” (In love with…) “Sophia” (…Wisdom).

These brain waves, from Delta to Gamma, oscillate together remotely via sympathetic resonance in octave harmony.  (See above Wai h tsang lecture at 23:30)
It’s worth noting that the brain may not be the only transmitter/receiver in the human system.  All of the endocrine system centers could be similar and the specifically the Heartmath Institute has found evidence that the heart radiates a sensitive field.
Every thought and emotion must have it’s own particular combination of delicate brain wave oscillations. The thoughts inherent in these Positive Emotions induce an increased awareness of unicity and so, in addition to their obvious intrinsic good feelings, are good brain waves to contemplate.
The epitome of desirable frequencies may be the word ‘Gramercy‘ from the French “Grand Merci”.  It’s Great Appreciation with a touch of Awe incorporating all of Love and Joy and inviting Ubiquity into the picture.
The EM frequency for life itself is certainly significantly fractal.


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  1. i was just checking out what you got going here — i have been in a panic for years because i didnt think any of you guys knew anything — but what i read here says you know some correct stuff and you have words to pin it down — if i could talk to who ever is working on this stuff — i have some stuff you can put with your stuff so you know more about what your knowing here — thank you so much for being some where doing some stuff — im so exciting — im fairly certain we either have to flip an out poilet switch or we have to turn our brain lights on — thank you

    1. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I don’t visit my blog site often and don’t receive notifications when someone writes and I don’t know if any poster sees my responses to them.

      Thanks for the purity of your soul and the gracious kindness of your words in expressing appreciation for what I choose to write about.

      The first word that leaps out at me in your message is “Panic”. My world view is that of a Positive Lexicologist and as such encourage you, and everyone, to try to stay calm.

      My Website:

      My Positive Word of the Day FB Page:

      “Peace”, vs. Panic, is one of the top most desirable positive emotions and is a “Fruit of the Spirit”. Good reason for peace, patience and faith too can be found in the fact that, in a reincarnate universe with Universal Laws in place “Only Good Lasts”.

      I don’t know if I can help you get shit going because I’m not exactly a social “Influencer” myself. This blog site gets very little traffic and my FB page has a rather small readership footprint as well. The only place that I have readership is the 2000 visitors I have per day on my website but it’s exclusively about Positive Words with no room for opinion about other matters.

      You have me curious about your stuff and I wonder what, say, 3 lessons, briefly phrased, you’d most like the public to know?


    2. Sheryl,

      A quick review of your blog, as well as your having read this post, suggests that you’re interested in how to utilize more of the capacity of our brains.

      It also suggests that you may be a member of the Cree Nation which has a broader outlook on the traditional N,S,E,W spiritual outlook by adding Above, Below, and Inside. ‘Inside’ is probably the most important.

      The pyramid in our brain that you’ve mentioned in your blog could be the pituitary gland, aka the third eye, which is said to open with enlightenment and is sometimes graphically depicted within a triangle. The traditional route to opening this chakra is to practice daily meditation integrating with Oneness and contemplating consciousness itself – aka “Listening to God”.

      I’ve also read that the pineal gland, aka. the crown chakra can open up with enlightenment. When this happens the person’s head is said to begin to glow as depicted in the halos of ancient paintings. If true this is apparently quite rare.

      I don’t pretend to have any level of high enlightenment but, as with the third eye, it seems reasonable that greater access to a binary fractal frequency could be gained by a greater integration with ‘Oneness’. I also strongly suspect that cultivating the Fruits of the Spirit would help.


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