The Great Purity Zeitgeist

“Zeitgeist”, literally “Time Ghost”, means – ‘the Spirit of our Time’.

When it comes to conventional news media it seems like the great bell is always clanging…




…It tolls so for you because war, disaster, and (too facile: “Hitler was great!”) controversy sells newspapers.  The range of what’s newsworthy has long been almost exclusively The Tale of One City: “It Is The Worst Of Times!”  This is despite the fact that the world is, in truth, significantly becoming a better, more moral, place.

Conventional news media has become a big, contemporary negative story itself with 90% of U.S. news now consolidated, from 50 companies in the 1980’s, into 6 media GIANTS today  with news anchors often repeating the same things verbatim (Russian TV source).

Factiod:  The swirling introductions to news programs, some including count-downs, are said to be hypnotism methodologies.

Most of the graffiti art in this post is by the brilliant “Art Terrorist” Banksy.

The good news is that with many burgeoning communications options these media giants are becoming increasingly irrelevant and electronic interconnectedness is growing exponentially to become, at least, emblematic of the great, long-known, spiritual “Oneness”.

Neo was never “The One”.

It’s us.

It’s true.

We’re the one.

We’re one.

Graffiti by Banksy

The media conglomerate quest for control is ironically a causative element in its decline as the immediacy, and decency, of public interest is causing conventional fear-mongering media to increasingly flutter away into the wind like so much newsprint.

Reddit Uplifting News        Huffington Post Good News

Positive Media, Alternative News and Media Literacy Links

Aside:  Conventional print news media didn’t get legally charged for publishing the same stories as WikiLeaks.  Conventional News Media have traditionally been one of the main ways that society keeps an eye on things.  Other methodologies are the law, routed trade unions, and the now commercially homogenous top 2 political puppets parties.

One of the reasons cited for the failure of Google Glass was the incursion on privacy that the product offered regarding the public identification of otherwise anonymous individuals on the street.  Consumers found this distasteful and voted against it in the most severe way possible – by failing to patronize the product. The C.E.O. of Google once stated that the true cost of non-participation in the social medium Google + would be irrelevance.  A more contemporary and incisive finding today might be that marginalization is the consequence of attempted coercion.

Even NETFLIX and YOUTUBE are increasingly popular televisual choices rocketing satellite dishes from rooftops to landfills and triggering increasing numbers of permanent disconnections from the increased hourly frequency, and audio volume, of the commercials on cable and Network TV.

 Free Karmatube Videos        Cayce TV

Spiritual Cinema Circle

Internet privacy became a significant negative issue globally first with WikiLeaks and subsequently with Edward Snowden’s historic disclosures of “The Program”.   I’m not in favor of WikiLeaks putting lives in danger but am a BIG fan of Edward Snowden’s heroic disclosures of the level of Government spying on private citizens.

Edward Snowden’s Robotic Ted Talk in Vancouver

Here’s a rare appearance by the NSA in the follow-up rebuttal at the conference.  Too bad they didn’t ask the audience to vote to see if it changed anyone’s mind about Edward as a hero.

Edward Snowden’s disclosures were that the U.S. Government is spying on everyone’s Internet usage, worldwide, all of the time.

This is a violation of the American Constitution’s first amendment; Freedom of Expression including freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.  Moreover it’s also a violation of the following:

United States Bill of Rights

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

European Union Convention on Human Rights

 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – Fundamental Freedoms

These incursions have been justified, of course, as necessary in the war on terror – an abstract noun.  A war on an abstract noun is unwinnable and a war that will never end for all of those who revel in never-ending war.  We are not in a perpetual state of emergency except as regards this assault on human rights.

Graffiti by Mogul

Somehow the lack of success of the long-time war on drugs, a concrete noun, has eluded evaluation in the “Patriot Act” strategy.  Referencing the dictionary discloses that both “drugs” and “terrorism” are still, and are likely to remain, in our vocabulary indefinitely.

The great, as yet apparently unacknowledged, irony in this is that, in this fight for freedom, to the extent that privacy equates with freedom, America has become the greatest enemy of freedom that the world has ever known.  Would you be brave enough to wear a T-Shirt that reads:


The Greatest Enemy

of Freedom

With these round-the clock, megacriminal, worldwide, personal abuses America henceforward vetoes the right to complain about the human rights violations of any other country.

A Foreigner’s Perspective

Graffiti by Banksy

A new legion of Minority-Report-like Mind Police have used this data to detain and arrest unrelated and remote zombie parties and street theatre, for example, when a public political event is scheduled.  Even a 7 year old boy was detained when he expressed concern in an email that his President Obama could encounter suicide bombings on at trip.

Clearly this is grossly over the line.  One wonders how long it could possibly last and, the sooner that it’s nudged back over to the decent side of the line, the better.  Sometimes we have to show our leadership the right thing to do when they need ethical help.

“Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil; our great hope lies in developing what is good.” – Calvin Coolige

The following Edgar Cayce quote is often paraphrased as “Love everyone but don’t be a doormat.

“9. These, then, should ever be. But there is produced by same humbleness – not as has been in some instances in the entity’s self – not the lording of others. For as He gave, who was, who is, who ever will be the manifestation of the Spirit – which is true psychic force – he that will be the greatest will be the servant of all. Not necessarily being as a doormat, but ever willing, ever helpful – but to the glory of God, to the honor of self. Not to the glory of self in any manner or way, but in humbleness preferring one another.”  – Edgar Cayce 3541-1
Note that the greater portions of this quote make clear to subdue our own egos and to act out of pure, genuine, humble helpfulness.  Here’s how to let the government know where they need help:
Key parts of the USA Patriot Act expire soon – so there’s a new opportunity to push back against ongoing, illegal, mass surveillance of Americans.  Stop those provisions cold.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper just introduced a new Anti-Terrorism act*, effectively a Big Brother Bill, that could let CSIS do just about anything other than kill or harm us, or “violate our sexual integrity”.  The Conservative and Liberal parties are planning to vote for the bill.  We must make this Big Brother politically untouchable.

Join AVAAZ and Sign The Petition       Join the Campaign

Fired up by exposure of their assets there are 2 ways that United States governance organizations have attempted to censor the Internet:

1.  A government bill for a Censorship/Copyright Law

2.  A fast & slow lane incursion on Net Neutrality


The late young genius Arron Swartz founded Reddit (See Reddit Uplifting News ), co-founded RSS (Really Simple Syndication [click my ‘Entries RSS’ button to explore how it works]) and Demand Progress.  After his success in blocking the bill he committed suicide while under intense prosecution for downloading intellectual material at MIT that tax payers have already paid for (and possibly to examine the large data set to determine any funding patterns).  It seems inevitable that Demand Progress, or a similar organization, will one day once again take up Aaron’s gauntlets and demand to know who are the true and rightful owners all the research data.  It’s ironic that he was arrested for doing precisely what the N.S.A. is unlawfully doing to us all.

The Internet’s Own Boy


 Stopped by Congress February 26th, 2015. is one of many fine online organizations fighting the giant communications monolithically-funded lobbyists.  Like Demand Progress it’s a good organization to join to generally be apprised of the status of your Internet freedoms.

Graffiti by Banksy gets young people’s voices to count by registering them to vote at concerts.

“Few does power not destroy.”  Edgar Cayce 3976-13


Graffiti by Banksy

God knows that governments and organizations aren’t the only entities that need to continuously look at and adjust their moral compasses.  When it comes to ‘Me Vs Us’, selfishness isn’t exclusively an organizational issue.  Many people, out of self preservation, are too inclined to err towards self-righteousness.  ‘Be nice’ is a lesson that few are aware enough to know that they still need to know it more.

Of course the unwarranted human rights felonies taking place at light speed are at a whole new level of “not niceness”.

Graffiti by Banksy

It may require patience to wait for some of those who would control the world to come around.  Once humans (reverting to my old alien P.O.V.) have done their best to inform governors of their wishes, to avoid getting mired in unpleasant selfishness, it’d be wiser to just blithely move on to explore new, better, more virtuous, directions.  Then, when the time comes, vote.

“Taking or enduring hardships, or censure, or idiosyncrasies of others, is not necessarily patience at all. It may become merely that of being a drudge not only to self but an outlet of expression from others that may never be quite satisfying because there is no resistance.” – Edgar Cayce 3161-1

There comes a time to exercise more the patience of a coach than that of a parent inasmuch as if the kid can’t perform then at some point the time comes to let another kid have his fair crack at bat.  Vote.

A fundamental tenet of Communications Theory is that “Authority rests on the control of Information”. Whether governors like it or not authority is becoming less ambitious, less centralized, and more experimental.  Governance strategies will increasingly require a lighter smarter touch and one which exploits the positive linking aspects of our modern world. (They could have had Aaron Swartz on their side.)

How many Facebook “Likes” will the N.S.A. anti-privacy felonies garner?  It could very well be that the greater the attempt to coerce the audience, the more rapid the path to marginalization. There are a lot of young people garnering “Likes” as currency.  Some of them will inevitably arise as leadership candidates with important political and/or other cultural influences. Some could possibly win elections today.

Is there a possible future in which, nowadays blatant, campaign financed corruption will be replaced exclusively by what a candidate can raise from transparent online donations?

With unions having been routed and partisanship of the largest political parties homogenized by cash, the Internet is becoming the newer truer forum for democracy even if not freedom.

The greatest failing of the N.S.A., and other ‘intelligence’ agencies wasn’t 911. It has been, having witnessed the advance of American corporate imperialism, that they haven’t been cognitively “big picture” enough to defend against America itself being colonized by their own once-colonial economic interests.  And they themselves, like the politicians, haven’t been strong or decent or honorable enough to fight, or resist, the corruption.

In an utter and complete spirit of helpfulness how do we help politicians to come around to the realization that we’re all in this together and to consider “we” more in the holistic sense rather than from a top-down presumption?  Imagine what it will be like when everyone in the world is truly working together to help each other.  The day is coming but will it arrive soon?

Problem/Reaction/Solution scenarios will have to stand up historically to the scrutiny of the great purity zeitgeist.

There are some documentaries and movements that apply the “Zeitgeist” appellation to analyzing all of the calculated, antisocial, and greedy aspects of the world. But there’s a much more geist-like purity at work as well.  Ignoring the undesirable and opting for something better is today’s great purity zeitgeist.


Graffiti by Banksy

“So be ye then as His children-those that show joy and gladness in the lives, the experiences, the hearts, the minds of those ye meet day by day; thus becoming indeed brethren with Him, in that He gave Himself as a ransom for all, that whosoever will may take their cross and through Him know the joy of entering into that realm of replacing jealousy and hate and selfishness with love and with joy and with gladness.”  Edgar Cayce 5749

“Happiness is a state of mind attained by giving same to others.” Edgar Cayce 2772-2

“Happiness is love of something outside of self. It may never be obtained, many never been known by loving only things within self.” Edgar Cayce 282-30

Positive Links

Get Motivation         Inspiring Blogs         Inspiration Line        Uplifting Stories        Self Help Collective        Uplifting Links Blog        Edgar Cayce Canada        Reddit Uplifting News        VIA Institute on Character        Positive Adjective Glossary       Positive Thinking Programs        Huffington Post Good News        Porcupine Plays Like a Puppy        VIA Positive Psychology Links        Abundant World Positive Links        The Habits Of Supremely Happy People        Association for Research and Enlightenment        Go For Your Dream a Facebook Management Service        Study Links Positive Thinking In Older Adults To Increased Longevity        50 Inspiring, Uplifting, and Positivity-Focused Sites to Make You Happy

The Power of Positive Linking: Become a node in the positive network. If you have a positive web site or blog please feel free to copy and paste the above links as the genesis for your own Positive Links resource. Or, to bookmark this list for personal delving, go here.

Graffiti by whoever the squiggle represents

Open-Sourcing, crowd-sourcing, and crowd-funding are just some of the ways via which Internet users are exploring new non-traditional realms. Who knows what new worlds this Internet medium, still in its infancy, has yet to give rise to?

First please express yourself via Social Justice Media like:    Demand Progress (Canada)

These could become the new political parties.

Then register to vote here.      Here for Canada

(I’ll be voting ardently Green in my freshly radically gerrymandered riding.)

Then quasar off to perform flash mobs & stunts, or browse Ted Talks, KarmaTube, or whatever.


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 Let them know.  Vote.   Follow your Bliss.

*Parliament must reject Harper’s secret policeman bill (Globe and Mail)

*Anti-terror bill: Experts worry about sweeping powers for CSIS (Ottawa Citizen)

*Security bill risks too much (Winnipeg Free Press)

*Addendum Feb 19, 2015:  A couple of friends have informed me that yesterday I broke the Canadian story a matter of hours before the CBC.   Evidently we’ve both been working on the piece for a fair while.  The CBC reported that, according to opinion polls, most (80%) of Canadians are in favour of the proposed new bill.  [Numbers dropped later as more people became educated about the implications.]



50 Word Mini Saga

In his book; A Whole New Mind, David Pink suggests writing a Mini Saga as a creative exercise.  The challenge is to write the entire Mini Saga using precisely 50 words – no more, no less.

Here’s mine:



At 6 Suzanne performed ballet for her classmates for “Show n’ Tell”.


At 18, practicing alone, she leapt the highest grand jette’ in history, or ever again.

No one knew.

At 24, whirling dervishly in a Moroccan restaurant, she transformed into whisps of silvery incense.

“What was that!?!”

God knew.

Be the first to leave a comment on this blog with your own Mini Saga.



Cure For The Common Cold


That’s it, in a nutshell;  Salt on your sore throat as early as possible can cure your cold.

To many it has been no secret that gargling, deeply, as early and frequently as possible, with the onset of a cold can circumvent, or truncate, the impact and duration of a cold.  Doctors will tell you that salt and water is more effective than a commercial mouthwash but, to many, unscrewing a lid and pouring out Listerine, for example, is more convenient than stirring up some salt and water in a glass.

The challenge with this treatment, for me, has always been the necessary ritual of interrupting work, or even TV, to go to the bathroom to gargle as frequently as I’d like, in order to wage war successfully against the cold’s bacterial assault.

So, when a tickle in my throat grew sore and threatened to become a heavy cold right at Christmas this year, I tried something new.  I poured some salt into a saucer and put it by my work station.  (Later that night I would move the saucer beside the couch from which my TV is viewed.)

The sore part of my throat was on the right side, this time, so performing this treatment was, at least, slightly more dextrous than if it had been performed with my non-dominant hand.

I wetted and dipped the tip of my center finger into the salt dish, reached the salt covered digit deep into my throat, and applied the substance directly and repeatedly onto the sore spot.  This didn’t initially even burn very much.  Notwithstanding the original soreness spread, overnight, from where it had originated in my throat to my right sinus.  Swallowing even hurt my right ear which suggested to me that the cold could become a bad one.

Applying the salt again, in the same manner, to the newly sore sinus opening at the back of my throat, burned somewhat this time, but it felt like it was doing something effective so I persisted until I felt that my salty barrage was enough.

The soreness at this sinus opening didn’t diminish with these second day salt applications and I can’t suggest a specific dosage other than to use your own discretion with regards to when enough is enough.  When I felt that I had repeated the application sufficient times I stopped.  Overuse could conceivably cause, more than cure, inflammation and damage from salt could conceivably be long-term.

That night was Christmas Eve, the night when we usually enjoy Christmas dinner at a nice restaurant.  Throughout the day I had no appetite, due this burgeoning cold, and was concerned about being able to eat dinner.  I need not have worried; I was able to consume a large, and satisfying, portion without difficulty.  By the end of  the next, Christmas, day the cold had disappeared entirely.  The salt had shut down the cold’s bacteria factory in my throat.

This is a single anecdote of an ungainly and uninvestigated treatment.  But it could spare you, and others, from the day-and-night runny nose, pain, coughing, difficulty breathing, watery eyes and, in general the whole miserable, fugue-like ague that could take up to 6 weeks to disappear.

* Note: Edgar Cayce prescribed the use of various salts for a great number of physical maladies including Carlsbad Salts, Caroid Bile Salts, Eno Salts, and Epsom Salts.  According to Cayce there are sixteen mineral salts in the human system.  He also  dealt with colds in 279 readings each of which were personalized and significantly varied in cause and treatment.  None of his treatments for the common cold involved the use of salt.  As the father of holistic healing he often went to even more primary causes such as lack of systemic alkalinity.

Edgar Cayce’s Encyclopedia of Healing

~ Gesundheit! ~



The Beauty of The Christmas Way Home

I’ve recently created a new resource page exclusively featuring Christmas Words.  Collectively these festive words, for a certainty, reveal The True Meaning of Christmas and that meaning is:  Returning Home

Christ, wasn’t the only thing born on Christmas. Many beautiful customs and emotions also were. So too the way home was borne.

Little do even the secularists, who prefer to ignore the Christ in Christmas, realize that stringing Christmas lights can lead to more illumination and enlightenment than most could imagine and that observing common Christmas customs can lead to a new level of clarity of sentience itself.

Even in the pre-Christian pagan origins of bringing evergreens and holly into our homes, during the bleak colourlessness of winter, lies the intent of elevating and lightening the feelings of others who will gaze upon the enduring vibrancy, hope and thriving of life and so be uplifted and edified.

According to Edgar Cayce after human life arrived on Earth there was a great separation that occurred as humans sank into carnal selfishness. We left home. The way back home to God is found inside of ourselves, via love and genuine beneficent intent, specifically by making manifest the love of God and man through our actions.

The flashy glitter of tinsel and baubles may seem superficial, and the allure of presents, feasting, and other indulgences may seem selfish, and so they can be, but the effect of these fulfilled attractive gratifications is to create an aching within us to see all our loved ones, those who we know, and all those who we encounter, to know the beauty, joy, comfort, fulfillment of wishes, and the selfless satisfaction that Christmas can bring. That’s reconciliation and reconnection with God. That’s the way home.

During the Christmas holidays many people travel great distances to return to their familial origins just as the Magi followed the light and traveled to the creche scene in the stable.  Now wise people everywhere at Christmastime travel back, bearing gifts, to the place which most closely symbolizes the place of their own nativity.

Even in dreams trying to journey homeward, often encountering encumbering distractions, is a common yearning theme.  Belying this longing, this unfulfilled belonging, is the return home to God.

Attracted since childhood to the prettiness, the toys, the candy and snacks and food, and good loving feelings perhaps the initial impulse towards the season was once self interest.  But somewhere along the way this co-mutual attraction transmutes into wanting others to experience its richness.  We transform selfishness into selflessness via sharing as we want to see those who we know and love experience the joy and thriving abundance.

At Christmas

by Edward Guest

A man is at his finest
towards the finish of the year;
He is almost what he should be
when the Christmas season is here;
Then he’s thinking more of others
than he’s thought the months before,
And the laughter of his children
is a joy worth toiling for.
He is less a selfish creature than
at any other time;
When the Christmas spirit rules him
he comes close to the sublime.

When it’s Christmas man is bigger
and is better in his part;
He is keener for the service
that is prompted by the heart.
All the petty thoughts and narrow
seem to vanish for awhile
And the true reward he’s seeking
is the glory of a smile.
Then for others he is toiling and
somehow it seems to me
That at Christmas he is almost
what God wanted him to be.

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And when the tinsel and lights are put back into storage, and a new year is dawning, so too can dawn the increasing realization every year that this wondrous seasonal altruistic edification can be continued every day.  Gentility and kindness can be brought to bear on our daily encounters and undertakings with each passing moment and person as we patiently await the season next year when we can vigorously celebrate it again

The more that we behave in this kind manner the closer we come to that joyous time when we’ll reside again wholly with God and recount, with Him, our long extended, oft tumultuous, exploratory journey away from home and back again.

All photos courtesy of Pixdaus

The shortcut back home is via love in action.

The Meaning of ‘Grets Moose’


Divine Adjectives              Divine Nouns

Kinder Morgan Projects

It’s been one year since I started this blog and made the impromptu decision to write it from the point of view of an alien.

This has had its advantages. I tend to write from a spiritual point of view, for example, and it never benefits a written piece to sound ‘preachy’. Writing about ‘humans’ can make it sound less so.

Another advantage is that an alien’s perspective may be taken less seriously.  When you can’t even write about The Amazing Randy, for example, without finding out that he’s funded by General Dynamics, and when every written interest seems to butt up against a financially and/or genocidally obsessed super villain, maybe it doesn’t hurt to be taken lightly.

Writing from an alien’s perspective, however, has disadvantages as well. Personal experiences, for example, often can’t be written about without dropping character.  At this time I’m dropping my alien persona even if the unsought theme of taking an oppositional stance to a financially/antisocially obsessed super villain remains prominent. This is about Kinder Morgan’s (KM’s) proposed oil pipeline devastation from Alberta’s tar sands to Vancouver’s parks and shores.

My personal story started out with a summer Saturday morning jog up around Burnaby Mountain starting at Squint Lake Park. I arrived at the parking lot to find a KM pipeline protest taking place.  The primary objective of the protest event appeared to be to singing.  Every attempt to find, or talk to, an organizer resulted in shhhhushing by the mature female singers (not the Raging Grannies). These women were reminiscent, to me, of the Russian broom-wielding babushkas who protect their streets from loitering and kissing. No dialogue could be tolerated. Notwithstanding I was eventually handed a brochure of lyrics and told that an organization to contact could be found written on a protest sign in a photo within the brochure. That organization was BROKE Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion.

Brochure-in-pocket I set out on my usual jog which runs up Shellmont Street right beside the Kinder Morgan property along the aptly named “Trans Mountain Trail” which the company maintains historically poorly.  Evidently the protest group had just walked down this trail in a procession from the Forest Grove area as part of their day’s organized activity.

Slogging my way up this steep path I was musing about a broken water pipe that I had seen on the shoulder of the road a short while prior, when I came across a fantastic sight at a point where a creek crosses the trail; An attractive young woman was kneeling by the creek poised in steadily holding up a little frog.  She looked like a character right out of a Disney story. I have no doubt that she was a performer placed there by Kinder Morgan for the benefit of the protestors.  As a one-time boy who used to play with once-prolific Burnaby frogs I know that they’ve been gone for quite a long time and they can’t even be seen around Deer Lake anymore. I recognized immediately that she was planted there and regret that I didn’t encourage her to reenact the pivotal scene from her apparent Disney story; The Princess and the Frog.

Why The Frogs Took Off

There was a survey team on the side street; Meadowood Park.  Under the circumstances I can only assume that this was somehow intended to be another KM side show to the spectacular performance.  I didn’t get it.

I completed my jog around the mountainside and, on the way back down, took note of many large craters along the tree-lined path, which I had seen so many times before.  I realized that they looked like they had been caused by subterranean pipe leaks, like the water pipe leak I had seen on the shoulder of the road a short time previous. They were subduction craters,  sink holes, numbering more than twenty, some encircling trees, some smaller, and some more than twenty feet in diameter. This is how well Kinder Morgan had maintained their own Trans Mountain Trail, adjacent to their tank farm, over the years from pipe leaks – no less.

This is just one more historic demonstration presaging that Kinder Morgan pipes will, unmistakeably, incur more ruptures in the future.  It also indicates how they will maintain pipeline safety after they have gotten their way and their respect for public park land.

When I returned home I emailed BROKE and told them the story. No response. No news. But Kinder Morgan was apparently notified and immediately set to work remedying the problem, surveying the location of underground pipes and filling all of the large subduction craters. The soil that they brought in was of an uncommon light brown sandy consistency.  This ground had been seeded with grass.  Here are some photos of the newly filled sink holes before the grass took root:


It’s for this reason that I suspect that BROKE is, at least, infiltrated by someone from Kinder Morgan. They apparently informed no one about the pipe breaks other than Kinder Morgan. Corporations have a long history of starting up phoney ‘grass roots’, aka. ‘astroturf’, community organizations and infiltrators of community organizations are instructed to make their way into management. BROKE no doubt includes many sincere members/organizers and many fine organizations have affiliated with them.  I just personally wouldn’t disclose any protest action plans to them.

Above is the proposed new pipeline corridor to be drilled through the Burnaby Mountain conservation area.  Why would KM maintain the safety of this leg of the “Trans Mountain Pipeline” any better than they have the pipes along their own “Trans Mountain Trail”?  Answer: They won’t care.

History: The Kinder Morgan pipeline project is of primary interest to Canada’s eastern Prime Minister Steven Harper. The Right Honorable Mr. Harper has more oil in his veins than seen in the eyes of the malevolent entities in the old X-files TV show. President George W. Bush was once his soul-mate counterpart in this regard but the Americans have, for some time now, enjoyed good riddance of Mr. Bush.

Mr. Kinder and Mr. Morgan have historically distinguished themselves as the former executives at the helm of the notoriously amoral ENRON Pipeline Corporation.  As Kinder Morgan they’ve already been convicted for willfully dumping toxic chemicals into the Pacific Ocean by ship. The silhouette image of a tanker willfully spewing an oil plume into the ocean should now be their compulsory logo as a definition of their corporate ethos.

“Kinder Morgen” in German, ironically, means “Children’s Morning” There’s nothing kind about this organization.

The Occupy Vancouver movement, unlike their Wall Street counterpart, never had a cohesive mandate except in opposing grossly selfish broadly destructive “One Percenters” in general. These qualities are quite clearly embodied in Mr. Kinder and Mr. Morgan. The “Stop Kinder Morgan” movement provides greater focus and specificity to  Occupy Vancouver protestors.

The following is the first item on a list of Nasty Kinder Morgan Surprises that was distributed at the protest site:

“Nasty Surprise #1: Few Jobs – Kinder Morgan markets the pipeline as ‘jobs’.  Yet some context is needed for claims of 4500 jobs at peak construction.  If independent studies suggest that this figure is exaggerated, there are bigger issues.  Most jobs would be temporary – weeks, months, or, at best, a year – and for semi-skilled equipment operators and unskilled labourers.  On the evidence of similar projects in Canada, a large proportion of these jobs are likely to go to temporary foreign workers.  The few engineering and managerial jobs can be expected to go to out-of-province/non-national workers too.  After construction, from the bitumen source to ships in Burnaby, only 50 (yes, 50) full-time jobs are estimated to remain.  BC workers will hardly benefit at all.”

Other Nasty Surprises expounded upon in the handout are: Economic Pipe Dream, No Profits Reinvested, Economic ‘Spillovers’, Higher Taxes, Property Rights & Values Disrespected, No Insurance/Higher Premiums, No Lower Gas Prices & Energy Security, Higher Commodity Prices, A Democratic Deficit, Public Health and Safety Risks, and Abuses of Civil, Criminal & Contract Law.

The Provincial Environment Minister Mary Polak could stop the project but she won’t.  This notwithstanding the fact that Kinder Morgan has repeatedly withheld requested information from the minister and have misrepresented their projected costs. They’ve been particularly circumspect about their worst case cleanup costs citing proprietary state of the art cleanup procedures.  Could this include the deployment of procedures similar to Halliburton’s ‘Boots and Coots’ subsidiary which “follow-the-money” journalists have speculated was the reason that the Gulf Oil Spill was engineered?  Evidently BP too made multimillions via their partnership interest in the manufacture of the primarily used dispersant Corexit 9500A.   It was used exclusively to hide the problem from view by dropping the oil to the sea floor.  Otherwise it had no redeeming value inasmuch as it creates a significantly more toxic mixture than either the oil or dispersant would be on their own.  It attacks the cell walls of any life.  This so-called ‘dispersant’ is effectively, and more truly, an ‘aggregator’ and toxicity multiplier.  It could destroy life better if it was designed for that purpose.  At the risk of sounding like an eclectic alien – Is it possible that a Burrard Inlet oil spill is actually planned for the future?  Will taxpayers have to pay (est. $2-$5 Billion) oil industry perpetrators for it?

April 14 2015 Addendum: Kinder Morgan will profit most along with oil giants.

“We’ve always believed in one project, one process.” Says the minister.

The question is “Why?”. With relatively little fleeting economic benefit to the province, and a severe prospective environmental downside, who exactly is she working for?

Every aspect of the Kinder Morgan pipeline is dark and vile . Historically, of course, many, if not most, recent wars are being fought for oil – even now.  See my previous post re. 911’s most credible.  The “Problem/Reaction/Solution” premise found in this post renders speculation about an intentional Burrard Inlet oil spill more credible.

At the inlet of the pipeline, Alberta tar sand fracking poisons the Cree Nation [eugenic genocide] and devastates the vast arboreal forest.  It’s the dirtiest oil in the world and the chemicals used in processing turn it into a far more toxic product than ordinary crude. The construction of the pipe itself would destroy pristine Native and public park lands and, on the ejaculate end, are potential, disastrously expensive, toxic, black, ooze spills.  On both ends global warming is accelerated tremendously – particularly in the tar sand area so long before the fuel gets consumed.  The primary beneficiaries of this are two of the world’s proven nastier antisocial ‘One-Percenters’ and their selfish associates.

With a biased Prime Minister, Provincial Environment Minister, and National Energy Board prejudicially on the side of this giant sociopathic corporation I don’t know if this protest is winnable but it’s certainly a good and just and honorable cause that’s well worth fighting.


You Want Peace?…

It’s Halloween season and the original title for this post was going to be “You Want Scary?…”

Then the research got too scary!

For those of you readers who don’t want to venture into a truly frightening dark place, lighter Halloween fun fare can be found at The Creepy Chronicles, a seasonal web page that I compiled years ago.

“Warned you have been.”  – Yoda

Would you warn your friends if Monsanto’s rat tumor corn was in the corn syrup that’s found in almost everything that we eat?  This is that kind of thing.  It’s unpleasant to look at but best to know if not dwelt upon too much.

While Edgar Cayce said not to be rebellious and not to dwell on these matters he also said to shed the light on the truth.  Transparency has its merits:

911’s Most Credible

An interview with retired Major General Stubblebine. Missing at the beginning now is a segment about how he rose through the ranks from being a satellite image analyzing prodigy. The highest ranking individual to refute the official 911 story.

A presentation by Susan Lindauer, former CIA back door liaison to Iraq:

Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth:

Broadly peer reviewed nanothermate findings:  “The smoking gun with a fingerprint”.

The 911 controlled demolitions are becoming known as historic facts worldwide as evidenced by this Italian Documentary.

There’s a perennial elemental war going on, throughout the Universe, known as Life Vs. Entropy.  Entropy always wins individually (I).  Life always wins collectively (We).  Entropy is the guiding light for those war mongers among men who always use the same formula: “PROBLEM/REACTION/SOLUTION”

Sign the petition at


The forgoing exposition is dedicated to memory of Jesse Bodyan, who was greatly upset by such matters as well as to all those many others who remain upset today.  The above being disclosed, and as (oxymoronically) both simple, and challenging, as it seems, humans are best advised to look, and dwell, upon lovelier things in the complete certainty and confidence that, no matter what other humans do, good will inevitably prevail.

“Another point that must be brought about at this time is that evil is a NECESSITY to understand good. The comparison of the two leads to the right choice, for good by virtue of itself must triumph over the evil.  – Edgar Cayce 2072-16

“For there is none so bad nor yet so good that any can afford to judge or speak evil of the other. Ye may speak evil of evil things, but not of man. For he is in the image of his God and his God is eternal. The man’s soul is eternal. Then speak not evil of thy brother, lest ye condemn thine own self.”  – Edgar Cayce   3509-1

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove that the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2

“Do not expect that evil days will not come upon each and every one, for – as was given – indeed offences must come, but woe unto him by whom they come! So prepare thine OWN life, thine OWN manifestations of that as is gained FROM same, that the evil may not be spoken of by thine acts, thine words, the manner of life, the manner of conducting thine OWN going in and coming out. Should thee, thine self, feel thou art not able to drink of that cup, then put NOT forth thine hand to grasp same, and DO the FIRST THINGS first! It has been given as to how each, in their prayer, in their supplication, should seek, ask for, those of questionings, those of intents, those of purposes to set forth before others that are afar, or those that are constantly being drawn to a something that many know not what. Art thou able in thine own heart, thine own life, to answer the questions of such? for it has oft been given, be able to at all times answer for the hope that is held within THINE OWN heart. Does the manifestations of the phenomena mean so little, even in the beginning, that only few have offered, “Show ME, O God, how I may be of service”? Let that answer come from that source, for those who be upon the Lord’s side need not be afraid, and if the Lord be not in that thou doest, then have little or nothing to do with same, in ANY manner, in ANY office, for it must surely come to naught.” – Edgar Cayce 2530-1

“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.”  – Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

“Evil is rebellion. Good is the Son of Life, of Light, of Truth; and the Son of Light, of Life, of Truth, came into physical being to demonstrate and show and lead the way for man’s ascent to the power of good over evil in a material world.”  – Edgar Cayce

“…and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him–”  – Collosians 3:10

This could be the great test of our time and a great deal could depend on it.  Focus on the best that life has to offer.

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

– See more at:,-victory-over#sthash.lHPR41r4.dpuf

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

– See more at:,-victory-over#sthash.lHPR41r4.dpuf

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, in order to bring about the present result, to preserve many people alive.”  – Genesis 50:20

“Love mercy and justice, eschew evil; and keep thy heart SINGING all the while. For the joy of the service in the love of the Lord maketh the heart glad. Look not upon those things that make for disturbing influences, as of an evil force. For God so LOVED the world as to give His Son, that we through Him might know ETERNAL life!”  Edgar Cayce  262-116

“Anyone can find fault. It is the wise person who finds that which encourages another in the turmoils and strifes of the day.”  Edgar Cayce 1449-2

“What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used.” – Edgar Cayce  3744-5

For unless ye are Happy in the knowledge of thy Opportunity, ye have lost hold on Love, on the Understanding of Self, and what Cooperation means.   – Edgar Cayce 262-113

Mahatma Ghandi held it as a certainty that the U.K., occupier of India and a relative military superpower, would one day depart India as friends.  This seemed improbable, if not impossible, at the time and yet it’s exactly what happened.  Here are some Mahatma quotes:

“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Non-violence, which is the quality of the heart, cannot come by an appeal to the brain.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive.  Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” –Mahatma Gandhi

What do you most want to be and become?     Adjectives     Nouns

Related Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

 Above see Hans Roslings most famous early Ted talk and below see his Sept. 2014 presentation.  There are many others.

Notwithstanding all the wars in the world human strengths have been excelling worldwide consistently over time in every arena – technological, spiritual, entertainment, educational, health, positive psychology etc..  We’re going to be OK.  Expect the best.  We positives vastly outnumber the negatives.

One thing about the inevitable triumph of Good; It may require the fullness of time – a faith that surpasses a current individual’s mortality.  It will take lifetimes.

In addition to Halloween, in Canada, October is, first and foremost, the time for Thanksgiving.  Here’s the conclusion of what Edgar Cayce had to say about Thanksgiving:

“Pray that peace may be in the minds and hearts of those who direct the destiny of the many, throughout the world. For they are not in power of themselves, but that ye–too–may learn a lesson to do, and to seek to do, the will of thy Father; and not to do that which is IN direct contradiction to that of praise to thy Lord, thy God.

Keep then that Day in praise, in thanksgiving, in such ways, such a manner that ye show to thy conscience that what ye worship as thy God is aware of thy appreciation of life!”   3976-21

“Like begets like” is a universal law.  Beget positive, not the negative.  What a human dwells on is important.

So…, you want Peace?

Then give it to others.  Let them know the facts about 911 but not without including the empirical facts, in accordance with the Hans Rosling videos above, that love, patience, and good will win in the end and, in truth, have always, slowly and surely, been winning in the massive background of lesser, more apparently ‘newsworthy’, endeavors.

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. These are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. Be happy of it, and give thanks daily for it.”  – Edgar Cayce 2376-3  

It’s Everywhere

Humour & Happiness

Edgar Cayce


See the funny side–don’t be too serious.  Remember, He even made a joke as He walked to the Garden to be betrayed.  Remember, He looked with love upon His disciple that denied Him, even as He stood alone.  2448-2

Know that the Lord, the God, laughed–even at the Cross…  Man alone in God’s creation is given the ability to laugh.   2995-1

If ye lose the ability to laugh, ye lose that ability to be joyous.  And the religion, the principle of the Christ-life is joyous!  For remember – He laughed even on the way to Calvary; not as pictured so oft, but laughed even at those that tormented Him.  This is what angered them most.  3003-1

See the humor in any experience, whether it is the most sacred, the most cherished experience, or that which comes as a trial.  2560-1

Laugh under the most straining circumstance.  1823-1

(See) the ridiculous side of every question — the humour in same.  Remember that a good laugh… is good for the body, physically, mentally.  2647-1

Don’t think a grouchy man can ever raise a headed cabbage or a tomato that will agree as well as those raised by a man who laughs and tells a good joke, though it may be smutty.  470-35

The above Edgar Cayce quotes are from THE ABILITY TO LAUGH (P. 358) of the The Edgar Cayce Companion:


Right after this section, in The Edgar Cayce Companion, is the JOY & HAPPINESS section, but the difficulty in writing this post is in paring down all the possible quotes and knowing that paraphrasing them would be diminishing them.  According to the A.R.E.’s Copyright Permission Guidelines, notwithstanding the fact that this post is rife with advertising for the A.R.E., Cayce quotes shouldn’t constitute more than 30% of anyone’s written work.  (See the total at bottom) The trouble is that there are so many more wonderful quotes from this book, like…

Do all in the joyous manner, for His gospel is the glad gospel, the joyous life, the happy life.  397-1

There are great happiness quotes found in other Cayce resources as well.  The original Edgar Cayce Happiness readings 262-(107-112), for example, are superlative.

Buy Edgar Cayce’s Complete Readings on DVD Rom (free to members)

 Edgar Cayce


The history of psychoanalytic thought has been, necessarily, one that has evolved from searching for the light in the darkness.  The last 20 years, however, (finally) have seen the development of a new field called “Positive Psychology”.

Shawn Achor is one of the researchers in the field.  Last Christmas I posted 3 Majical Gifts; the part of Shawn’s book The Happiness Advantage which I found to be most effective.


The following quotes are from Shawn Achor’s,The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work:

        “…I mentioned the impressive meta-analysis of happiness research that brought together the results of over 200 scientific studies on nearly 275,000 people – and found that happiness leads to success in nearly every domain of our lives, including marriage, health, friendship, community involvement, creativity, and, in particular, our jobs, careers and businesses.”

        “…based on the wealth of data they compiled, they found that happiness causes success and achievement, not the opposite.”

“Study after study shows that happiness precedes important outcomes and indicators of thriving.”

Increased happiness also improves the performance of every job..

          “If a study has proven how CEOs can become 15 percent more productive, or how managers can improve customer satisfaction by 42 percent, then I think the people in the trenches should know about it, not just a handful of academics.”   

“Optimistic salespeople outsell their pessimistic counterparts by 56 percent.”

There are also a couple of other previous posts here related directly to the topic of happiness; 1. The Prime Directive, and, more specifically, the first half of the Prime Directive: Divine Law, or, succinctly: “Love the Lord Thy God with all Thy Heart and Soul…”.

*Factoid: Most humans don’t know what to make of this.  For most, the second half of the Prime Directive: “…and love Thy Brother as Thyself” is far easier to comprehend if not to accomplish.

“Love the Lord Thy God with all Thy Heart and Soul…” is synonymous with happiness.  This directive ranges from whirling dervishly and snapping your fingers in the sunlight to being sublimely blissful in rhapsodic peace comforting someone else who hasn’t yet found it.  (I don’t know any human who has found happiness in this way – not all the time)

The above *factoid is derived from Dr. Peter Woodbury in his Using and Applying Universal Laws video (available online for free only to members of the A.R.E.) wherein he also states that putting into practice the second portion of this “Whole Law”, with thy brother, is like releasing an arrow.   Practicing the “Love thy God” part is like drawing back the bow string.  The power of the released arrow is dependent on it.   There’s a chronological reason that loving God comes first in The “Whole Law” statement.  It’s the gaining of appropriate power.

Peter goes on to say, paraphrasing Cayce, that we come to know God 2 ways: 1) In Silence (meditation) and 2) In Nature (outdoors).

Outdoor exercise is one way, according to Cayce, to overcome depression, the primary worldwide emotional problem. (Back pain is the primary physical problem.) Other treatments for depression include Internal Cleansing (fume baths and colonic irrigation), Manual Therapy (osteopathy, chiropractics and massage,) the Radial Appliance, the Ideals Exercise (available for free to A.R.E. members),  Service to Others, and Bibliotherapy.  How many of these words are true about you on your worst day?  Which ones are you ‘open’ to?

 Search For God Books I & II

‘Happiness’ is the second to last chapter in Edgar Cayce’s Search For God (SFG) Book II (‘Spirit’ being the final chapter).

The thing about fully understanding and realizing the Happiness chapter of SFG II book is that there are almost 2 full books of sequential, intense, personal lessons that are prerequisites.

Few are willing to pay the price for happiness — which is tolerance, patience, and selflessness in the expressions to its associates, its fellow man, its activities in the earth.  852-12

The joy, the peace, the happiness, that may be ours is in doing for the other fellow.  262-3

The Lord loveth those who expect much of Him, in giving much of themselves –joyously!  2401-1

Forgiving your debtors, becoming a peacemaker with everyone and becoming as innocent as a child are just some examples of the other conscientious steps required to achieve this happiness and more.

Find a ‘Search For God’ Study Group in your area:

32 Metronomes achieve synchronicity

The “Tipping Point” for these metronomes is 7.  When seven of them (22%) sync up then the rest must fall into synchronicity as well.  When 22% of humans achieve, and maintain, the Prime Directive; the happiness tipping point, then the rest of them could follow as well.

Think Happiness!

Note: There are 297 words in the Cayce quotes here of 1140 or 26%.

 Happiness is abiding in the Infinite love.  262-109

 Unlimited Love     Love Cartoon

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Edgar Cayce Vs. Yoda


Jedi Master Yoda was pretty spry for a 900-year-old, and a pretty wise old guy too, but he wasn’t always right.  He’s known to have made some pretty significant blunders.  The following iconic quote is one of them:

Yoda:  “Do, or do not. There is no try.”

Edgar Cayce: “It is the ‘try‘ that is the more often counted as righteousness, and not the success or failure.”  931-1

“You only fail if you quit trying.”  3292-1

“To not know, but do the best as is known, felt, experienced in self, to him it is counted as righteousness; not as an excuse, neither as a justification.  For ye have been justified once for all, through the Christ Consciousness that ye seek.”  5758-1

“Man looks upon the outward appearances and judges success by material standards.  God looks on the heart and judges rather by the sincerity of the individual’s ‘try’.”  3129-1

The foregoing quotes are from “JUST TRY YOUR VERY BEST” in this book:


Factoid: Muppet’s wizard (of) Frank Oz performed the animation, and the voices for, both Master ‘Yoda’ and the legendary goddess ‘Miss Piggy’.

Photo Credit:

You can’t really blame ol’ Yoda.  After all, it was a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

 Know that the Force is with you always.



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The Amazing Randi Exposed

James Randi (Randal Zwinge) is a magician; a self-professed conjuror and a funded dispeller of psychic fraud. His 1980’s book ‘Flim-Flam!’ delivers what the title promises.  Unfortunately it’s Randy who’s performing flim-flam on his readership.  That will be easily verified here:

Mr. Randi writes, of Edgar Cayce, in this book, “Cayce was fond of expressions like ‘I feel that’ and ‘perhaps‘–qualifying words used to avoid positive declarations. It is a common tool in the psychic trade.”

Everything that Edgar Cayce stated during his trance state was meticulously transcribed by a stenographer.  Today this resource is available on DVD-ROM which is easily searchable for keywords like ‘feel’ and  ‘perhaps’.

In more than 14300 readings Edgar Cayce never once states ‘I feel that’ or anything similar to it.  All of his readings, rather, which contain the root word ‘feel’ describe, with precision, the way the subject feels.  In fact even the word ‘I’ in the readings is exceedingly scarce with almost all of the readings being given from the collective perspective of; We have the body”.

A complete compilation of all of Edgar Cayce’s readings is available for purchase ($120) on DVD-ROM (or free for use online to A.R.E. members).  They are presented therein complete with background, correspondence, questions, reports, and footnotes proffered by Mr. Cayce’s subjects, their relatives, and his colleagues.  These non-Cayce components of the readings present an excellent, lateral, control comparison of the frequency of the written word ‘perhaps’ by Mr. Cayce’s contemporaries relative to how often Mr. Cayce used the spoken word himself.  The word appears hundreds of times in the accompanying documents in normal written use by his contemporaries.  By contrast, in more than 14,000 readings, Mr. Cayce used the word ‘perhaps’ in only 6 readings.  These are as follows:

14 (Q) Is it correct for me to believe as true, that information regarding my Palestine reincarnation which came as a dream in form and appearance as a reading in the very early morning of January 5th?
(A) If this reoccurs to the body, in perhaps some changed form, then consider it – as an experience in turning back in time and space .  READING 2072-12

14. (Q) What phase of painting should I specialize in so that I may present those things most worthwhile?
(A) As has been indicated, these should come as it were as MOODS for the entity. At times those that express nature, as from the fields themselves; at times those that express the necessity for that held as a thought to be wielded into justice, yet mercy with same – those that would measure or judge between the fellowman when both perhaps are somewhat selfish and self-centered in their demands one upon another. Again there is the mood when those things which would represent the altars even of Life itself, may be depicted; not so much sacrifice as of duty, as of love, as of the expressions that find themselves from nature’s influences but fill their place in the lives of individuals that may be assembled for such an activity. These then, as we find. While this may be somewhat broad, yet it is very, very definite – when it’s once begun.   READING 338-4

11. Liver below normal in functioning. Excessive in excretory forces. Secretions as for digestion below normal. Excessive in excretory forces. Hence the condition as exists in the digestive system, the tendency for the body to be excessive either in laxativeness through the intestines, or just the opposite, constipation for time. The functioning then of the lower portion of the digestive system shows how these excesses produce these effects in the system, through the changes that often take place, in how digestion acts and react in the system. That is, at one time properties taken in the system digest easily, while with the next perhaps that these are taken, the same conditions will produce indigestion for the body. Excess then in kidneys, and the pains as produced in bladder at times, is a reflex nerve condition of the body.  READING 4409-1

5. (Q) As given in reading of December 27, 1924, on horoscope, [900-14] body will be connected to business of aerial nature in June. Will it be wise for the body to enter into this business connection, judging by people he is to associate with and also profits that may be derived from such a connection?
(A) These must be adjudged by the individuals themselves. As has been given, “no man can serve two masters,” depending then, as has been outlined for the body. There will be, there are, many smaller concerns, connections, businesses, business relations, that will be brought to the body, [900] and the body will be able to see how such conditions may be made profitable in financial way to self and to others. Act according to the dictates of the individual’s conscience and will force in such relations. As to aerial connections, conditions, under certain conditions, as has been outlined, well. Under that as will be approached in next conference, no. As might be in a second, or third, or fourth, perhaps consider.  READING 900-33

4. The health of [1187] would be better here. The associations, the surroundings, for THAT BODY would be better here, see? Those of some of the others, individually, perhaps, not so good – perhaps – for the environs are different, see? The general condition, all concerned, WELL. Ready for question.  READING 288-13 (re. moving to a new address)

23.  Do these things for at least ten weeks; that is, including the weeks of the hydrotherapy treatments and the weeks of taking the Atomidine, and also one – perhaps two – colonic irrigations during that period.  READING 2988-1

James Randi doesn’t specify precisely what frequency of use of the word ‘perhaps’ constitutes Mr. Cayce’s ‘fondness’ for it but evidently this is about 6 occurrences spanning a period of more than four decades.  How often does the average person normally use the word?  Perhaps Mr. Randi is psychic regarding Mr. Cayce’s fondness?  Contrary to Mr. Randi’s statement of prolific use of this word to avoid positive declarations, as evidenced by even (all of) the ‘perhaps’ qualified statements by Edgar Cayce above, they are invariably decisive and specific.

Mr. Randi would have been well-advised to not contrive fabrications about the most thoroughly documented psychic in history.  Evidently he thought that no one would ever check.  His book was released in 1982 – over 30 years ago.  Cayce enthusiasts evidently don’t spend much time in Mr. Randi’s dark corners.

Based on the foregoing I couldn’t recommend anyone purchasing Mr. Randi’s book.  Not finding it available for free at the library I’ve garnered the above from a skeptic site called  Therein they also write: “One example discussed in detail by Randi is Cayce’s extraordinary failure in divining information about the Lindbergh kidnapping case.”

Edgar Cayce’s reading regarding the Lindburgh Baby

  1. GC: You will have before you the information which has been given through these sources regarding Charles Augustes Lindbergh, Jr., and the individuals who have sought to carry out this information in locating the body. You will please locate the body at this time, March 17, 1932, and answer the questions as I ask them regarding same.
  2. EC: Yes, we have the information as has been given regarding Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr. Now, as we find, changes have been made in the location of the body. The body now, as we find, is in Jersey City, taken this morning – early – car – New York – license 2M 217.
  3. In locating the PRESENT location, we would find from the terminal, or broad street, we would turn at the bank – which turns directly to the right. This bitulithic or hard surface street, down three – four – blocks. Turn right, down hill, see? to a gravel or rough street. Turn right again. Unpainted house, yet VERY well located for the section. Some peoples surrounding same have changed. Madge no longer with the body. The body not so well.
  4. There is, as we find, an attempt to communicate with some of those that are in authority, concerning the whereabouts. Not of the police, not of the higher gangster, but rather to the direct is there being sought. This, as we find, should be reached, or would reach the communicating lines, by early afternoon; as to where from, through whom, not yet fully determined. We would look there. Ready for questions.
  5. (Q) What is the name of the street on which you turn from Broad?
    (A) Seems to be more numbered than named. There are many streets, but this turns at the bank – as there’s only one bank with sign on same.
  6. (Q) What is the sign on the bank?
    (A) Clock. Jersey City Trust – guaranty Trust – 10:58, by the clock.
  7. (Q) You turn right off of Broad, at the corner of this bank?
    (A) Turn right; that is, coming from – towards – the viaduct way, turn right.
  8. (Q) Is there any number on the house where the body is?
    (A) Sixty-three (63).
  9. (Q) What is the name or number of the street that you turn off of the macadam street?
    (A) It’s three streets up from this bus terminal – goes down a hill – one little alley way, and then to this dirt street.
  10. We are through for the present. READING 2988-1

What happened, if anything, after Edgar Cayce gave this information is unknown.  If anyone similar to James Randi was in authority in the investigation then it died on the vine.

The Straightdope website further writes: As James Randi notes in his classic book, Flim Flam, “It is no secret that his cures were quite similar to the ‘home remedies’ described in the handy medical encyclopedias that were bedside reading in many rural homes in the late 1800s.”

Edgar Cayce prescribed cures that were easily at hand for the subject, often in rural areas, or otherwise obtainable, during that era.  How similar any were to other remedies available at the time requires a greater degree of specificity and investigation. But, if any were what was best suited to the subject’s medical needs, and they were on hand, then why wouldn’t they be recommended?  Most likely James Randi has never even seen one of these  alleged handy medical encyclopedias and invented them for more fake credibility.

In truth Mr. Cayce prescribed a GREAT deal of treatments previously unheard of.  On one famous occasion he prescribed curare (poison) to a dying baby with seizures.  The infant then fell asleep, woke up well, and grew up to become a medical doctor who worked with the Association.

Edgar Cayce also foretold that medical diagnostics would one day be performed via analyzing a drop of blood.  A common procedure today it must have seemed like science fiction at the time.

There are also many Cayce prescribed treatments that modern medical practice has yet to explore;  The Cause of, and Treatment for, Psoriasis is one such insight:

Mr. Randi must be racking up the karmic bonus points in discrediting those who would defraud others particularly in God’s (a spiritual context) name.  According to Edgar Cayce, however, our individual roles on Earth are to render the Infinite, finite and Mr. Randi, in his zeal to expose fraud, has also been discrediting a genuine path to psychic awareness – an infraction that must be, at least, equal in scope to those of his targets.  I’m not optimistic that, when it comes to Mr. Randi’s life review, however entertaining, his righteousness will turn up on the desired side of the ledger.  Randy’s getting up there in age so there’s not much time left for redemption during this sojourn.  Is it possible that his karma will be to have his own psychic ability retarded via ridicule for a great many lifetimes?  Intent is everything, according to Cayce.

Mr. Randi is funded by General Dynamics

It could be entertaining, albeit dark, to check out what other weird stuff  this big government contractor could be paying Randi to discredit?

The Cayce teachings often repeat the biblical message “…[love] thy brother as thyself”.  This is part of the most important lesson, the Whole Law, according to Cayce.  Under the circumstances the best light in which to regard James Randi might be with patience, as a parent might an impish little liar.  The scamp knows the difference between right and wrong and we all hope that he comes around sooner rather than later for everyone’s benefit.

7. …Ridicule of such (psychic) forces rather than being condemned, those are to be pitied, for they must eventually reach that condition where the soul awakens to the elements that are necessary for the developing,…  READING 3744-2 (This reading is Q&A re. psychic phenomena)

If Mr. Randi would prefer not to give the A.R.E. his $1,000,000 prize for providing prolific proof of genuine psychic ability then perhaps he could donate it instead to the Monroe Institute which routinely qualitatively verifies Remote Viewing in a (former military) manner that appears to be palatable to the general public.  There has been, and continues to be, no shortage of rigorous quality ESP research conducted worldwide the results of which aren’t the same as Mr. Randi’s performances.  He can, at any time, take his pick and endow any worthy accredited institution.

More Psi Research Resources

Dr. Dean Radin citing many psi research papers

In the meantime, if I happen to come across Mr. Randi’s book at a garage sale, I’ll likely disclose any other determinable falsehoods about Edgar Cayce that Mr. Randi has chosen to contrive.


Hypnotism In a Third Person as a Diagnostic Modality

Hypnosis Diagnosis

Since it was originally published in 1943 no other single publication has introduced as many people to Edgar Cayce, and his philosophy, as the book There Is A River by Thomas Sugrue.

Now Subtitled: There is a River

At the beginning of the book, and more extensively in later chapters, Thomas Surgue, apparently hoping that the subject would be explored more fully than it has been, expounds on Hypnotism as a Diagnostic Modality.  Herein we’re going to review many of his passages:

“The story of Edgar Cayce properly belongs in the history of hypnosis, as a chapter in evidence for the theories of Armand Marc Jacques de Chastenet, Marquis de Puysegur. It was de Puysegur, not Mesmer, who in 1784 discovered hypnotism.  De Puysegur’s famous subject Victor went into a sleep instead of a convulsion while being magnetized, and in that state showed remarkable intelligence and apparent powers of clairvoyance.  Further experiments brought the same results.  Other patients, when put to sleep, showed like powers.  Walter Bromberg, in The Mind of Man,* says: “dull peasants became mentally alert, and could even foretell events or understand things ordinarily obscure to them.  Somnambulists made medical diagnoses in other patients brought before them, and foretold the future.  The magnetizer of the 1820’s merely brought his patient before a competent somnambulist, and waited for the diagnosis… If only modern science had such aids!  The clairvoyance of the somnambulist became a fascinating game…”

Today in modern medical practice hypnotherapy is commonly used to to gain control over pain, stress/anxiety or undesired behaviours like smoking or overeating.  Most medical doctors have little more knowledge of hypnosis than a med school lecture on the subject and it’s regarded by many to be an underutilized therapy.

Edgar Cayce first discovered his famous trance state via hypnosis in an effort to diagnose and treat his serious chronic throat condition. With this in mind, the title of an online article at first seems promising: Hypnosis As A Diagnostic Modality For Vocal Cord Dysfunction. Follow the link, however, and you’ll find that hypnosis in this case was merely implemented as the sole anesthesia for the insertion of a nasopharyngeal laryngoscope.

Full Body Catalepsy

Two hundred years ago, just after hypnotism was first discovered, its use as a diagnostic tool was being explored more broadly.  Following is the 2nd paragraph from There Is A River wherein Tom Sugrue continues to write:

“…But the fascinating game was not encouraged, either by the French Academy or by the medical profession, and it suffered the fate of other fads.  A generation later Andrew Jackson Davis, the “Poughkeepsie Seer,” was practicing medical diagnosis by clairvoyance in America, but he remained obscure and is not even mentioned in textbooks and histories of hypnotism.  Hypnotism, in fact, will have nothing to do with clairvoyance; it has renounced its own mother.”

All Seeing Hypnotic Eye

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There are those who hypothesize that the spinning computer graphic TV Network News logos, featured at the beginning of news programs, like the image above, are intended to induce a light hypnotic Alpha wave trance.

In Chapter 20 of the book Sugrue elucidates further regarding Victor, the young shepherd who was the first subject of hypnosis by the Marquis de Puysegur:

“Victor went into a sleeping trance, and remained in it for some time.  De Puysegur then found that the boy was apparently clairvoyant.  He seemed able to diagnose the physical ailments of other people while in this trance!  A whole fad was started, and people began to go to somnambulists instead of doctors.  The writer of this book says it was a ‘wholly erroneous belief’ that the somnabbulists could diagnose diseases, and the fad died out after the eighteen-twenties.”

In Chapter 21 of the book, Mr. Sugrue clarifies further regarding Dr. Davis, the “Poughkeepsie Seer”:

“A local tailor, experimenting with mesmerism, succeeded in putting the young Mr. Davis into a trance state during which he stated that his powers were to be used to help the sick.  A hundred years before Edgar Cayce was diagnosing patients Andrew Davis was doing the same.  Andrew Davis went on to become a medical doctor and learned to perform clairvoyant diagnoses without going fully into trance.”

And from Chapter 8:

“The material on somnambulism that was gathered and printed during the first half of the nineteenth century would seem to be overwhelming proof of the reality of the phenomenon.  Karl du Prel, (who chronicled scores of authors) discussing the subject in The Philosophy of Mysticism…


“When in the year 1831 the professional Commission, which had been engaged in its investigation since its appointment several years before, caused its report, confirming all the substantial phenomena attributed to somnambulism, to be read in the Medical Academy of Paris, the deep silence of the assembly betrayed the disturbance of their minds.  Then, when as usual it was proposed that this report should be printed, an academician, Castel, rose and protested against the printing of it, because if the facts reported were true, half of our physiological science would be destroyed.”

More succinctly, when Hugh Lynn Cayce expressed optimism to his father that hypnotism’s empirical record would prove what’s right and wrong to doctors Edgar responded:

“Maybe. Records don’t mean much to these fellows if they don’t want to believe what the records say.”

There are many “Status Quo Empiricists” in the world who refuse to examine the evidence but prefer to look the other way earnestly proclaiming its nonexistence. A large body of evidence is available to anyone who has the courage to look.

Sleeping Through Space        ESP and Hypnosis

The truth is that the first person ever hypnotized, as well as others, including a medical doctor, have demonstrated, with available empirical documentation, similar diagnostic ability to that of Edgar Cayce.  It not only stands to reason, but is a mathematical essential, that there must today be greater numbers of other persons alive with this type of latent diagnostic talent.

In his book titled Mastering Your Spiritual Development, Kevin Todeschi, CEO of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, points out that throughout Cayce’s lifetime of 14,000 readings he performed readings for a total of 20 kindhearted subjects who were on their final sojourn on this planet. This means that they were sufficiently spiritually evolved to no longer have need to reincarnate on Earth again. Are such people, possibly unbeknownst even to themselves, viable candidates for accreditation as hypnotic diagnosticians?

Only twenty such spiritually advanced souls per 14000 makes the odds of finding such people 1/700.  And perhaps these odds are longer given the Universal Law that “Like Attracts Like” and the spiritually evolved were more likely to gravitate toward Edgar Cayce for a reading.  Or the reasons that imbue someone with such latent talent could be entirely different; like early childhood danger heightening their sensitivity.  One thing is certain: A determinable percentage of the population already has this mostly undiscovered talent.

Incidentally Thomas Sugrue goes on to write that it was determined that there are two kinds of somnambulists:  Sensitives and Intuitives.  Sensitives take on the symptoms and pains of the patients*.  Intuitives, like Cayce, wake up with no memory of their in-trance diagnosis.

Dr. P.P. Quimby took spiritual healing from mesmerism to science, and then to Mary Baker Eddy who founded the religion of Christian Science.  Mr. Quimby was a sensitive who  had difficulty throwing off his patient’s troubles.  He found that one of the secrets of the cures was the willingness to bear the burdens of the sick and sorrowing.  “He came to the conclusion that in taking the sufferings of patients upon himself he was learning the way of the Christ, coming to learn God’s presence as love.” – The Quimby Manuscripts, Ch 6, The Intermediate Period p. 69

A test by a hypnotist to determine a subject’s extrasensory vision would be to ask a simple question like “What’s in my briefcase?”  The world could only benefit from such as an on-going recruitment program.  The need is great to assist with challenging diagnoses, or reduce misdiagnoses.

Many doctors in Cayce’s day came to know the truth of his ability.  If his throat condition hadn’t required ongoing hypnotic therapy he may not have gone on to become both the father of holistic medicine and the father of the New Age.  Hypnotic diagnosticians could end up doing mankind, as a whole, a great service in a manner very much like Edgar Cayce.

A hypnotist’s stage performance could benefit from having a dignified component within a show otherwise wholly designed to be at the subject’s expense.


…Who’s a good candidate to be an accredited hypnotic diagnostician?…

…It could be you, Bob.

“All bodies are amenable to suggestion, through the abnormal mind, or through the subconscious mind, or through sympathetic nerve system.”  Edgar Cayce  (4648-1)

Help Awaken Somnambulance!


Hypnotic Diagnostic talent could be misused or abused and care must be taken, and perhaps a long-term suggestion implanted to ensure, that any trance-induced skill only be used for diagnostics and not co-opted for selfish sexual, economic, political or military reasons.

The health of any hypnotic diagnostician should be carefully monitored.  The stress of giving too many desperately needed readings ultimately claimed Edgar Cayce’s life.

Note:  There have been individuals at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. who have become psychic via earnest application of the Search For God Study Group material.  Jim Branch,  who passed over in 2002, developed very similar diagnostic ability to Edgar Cayce.  Linda Gibbons is reputed to be another.

How to get what you want via Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy Organizations:

American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists

American Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy

American Board of Hypnotherapy

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

American Hypnosis Association/National Association of Hypnotherapists

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists

Council of Professional Hypnosis/International Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy

International Hypnosis Association

International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association

National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards

National Guild of Hypnotists