Dark Matter – A Galactic Muse

Dark matter theory (DMT) presumes that our Milky Way Galaxy, of which the Earth’s solar system is relatively a microscopic constituent, is spinning outwardly like a pinwheel when the evidence, the need to identify dark matter, suggests that it’s more likely that the Milky Way is spiraling, notwithstanding a recently discovered central bulge, as if into a whirlpool, into the supermassive black hole in its center.

Despite the fact that it’s popularly believed that our black hole is too small and weak to affect worlds so far out as Earth the sought-after dark matter mass may more aptly be found within the black hole where dark matter belongs.

I wonder how the gravitational prowess of our black hole is presumed to be measured as insufficiently influential when countless solar systems, stars and planets have disappeared down its gullet for time beyond measure?  It’s more likely that attempted measurements have been too small.

Galactus – Eater of Worlds

Martyan Torus Theory hypothesizes that the Milky Way galaxy is not only spinning like a wheel but also spinning concentrically inward.  What little matter the galaxy throws off at the outer rims of its spiral arms will only likely work its way back inward in the fullness of time to resume its inevitable inwardly rotating spiral.

Any sustained natural vortex necessitates that an outlet must exist.  If our black hole is the ingress to the center of the torus then there must also be an outlet for the tremendous energy at some unknown distance most probably concentric with the center of our black hole.  Would the depth of such a torus resemble a dimpled orange, a bagel, or a donut?  It could be challenging to locate a concentric outlet-like phenomenon at an unknown distance particularly if we don’t exactly know what it looks like other than expulsive energy equal to that of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole.  It may be easier to identify a toroidal outlet following the gravitation concentrically opposite to some other remote galaxy.

New stars and planets are being born in our solar system all the time.  Is it possible that the raw materials first circumnavigate the long journey around the outer circumference of a great torus?

Being Galactus intolerant is a waste of time. One option is to just ride the spiral inward facing it head on like the Silver Surfer.

Cowabunga and Amen!

Another alternative would be, with faster-than-light travel, to explore, most efficiently, for new worlds outward from the center  of the galaxy along the Orion Spur or the Persius Arm. (See galaxy map at top)

Either way, enjoy the ride!


Greed Vs. Largesse

“Greed Is Good”  Michael Douglas in Wall Street

Save the Children Federation

John Kenneth Galbraith

Photo from Britanica.com

The modern conservative is not even especially modern. He is engaged, on the contrary, in one of man’s oldest, best financed, most applauded, and, on the whole, least successful exercises; One of the last is most often cited: “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy, that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. It is an exercise which always involves a certain number of internal contradictions and even a few absurdities. The conspicuously wealthy turn up urging the character-building value of privation for the poor.”
– John Kenneth Galbraith   [“Stop the Madness,” Interview with Rupert Cornwell, Toronto Globe and Mail (6 Jul 2002)]

In counterpoint to “trickle-down economics” the theory has historically previously been branded as the “horse and sparrow theory” of the 1890’s whereby “If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through for the sparrows” as well as “The rich pissing on the poor” by a New Zealand labour MP.  These gross caricatures of elimination, unkind treatment and condescension, even if inelegant, aren’t inaccurate. Keynesian and other theories claim that tax cuts for the wealthy aren’t used for productive investing but rather for personal gain.  2012 research, by the Tax Justice Network verifies that the wealth of the ultra wealthy doesn’t trickle down to improve the economy but amasses and shelters in tax havens with a negative effect on the tax base of the entire home economy.  Professor Ha-Joon Chang sites examples of “slowing job growth in the last few decades, rising income inequality in most rich nations, and the inability provision in raising living standards across all income brackets rather than at the top only”

“The privileged have regularly invited their own destruction with their greed.”
– John Kenneth Galbraith, The Age of Uncertainty

“One blueprint for trouble, making collapse likely, is when there’s a conflict of interest between the short term interest of the decision-making elite and the long-term interests of society as a whole especially if the elite are able to insulate themselves from the consequences of their actions.  Where what’s good for the short run for the elite is bad for the society as a whole, there’s a real risk that the elite will do something bad to bring society down in the long run…Those same issues, of a conflict of interest, are acute in the United States today especially because the elite decision-makers are able to isolate themselves from the consequences of their actions…In the last couple of years it’s been obvious that the elite in the business world correctly perceive that they can advance their short-term interests by doing things that are good for them but bad for society as a whole.”  – Jared Diamond on Why Societies Collapse

It’s not money but, more to the point, selfishness that’s the root of evil.  (See Intent)

“Know, self is the only excuse.  Self is the only sin; that is, selfishness, and all the others, are just a modification of that expression of the ego.” – Edgar Cayce 1362-1

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, T. Boone Pickens, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, are among 125 of the world’s wealthiest individuals who have signed The Giving Pledge thereby becoming the best possible personal/corporate role models by dedicating the majority of their wealth to philanthropy.  To other wealthy candidates this doesn’t necessarily mean that protracted harm to society can be karmically assuaged by a charitable bequest – but it’s better than naught.

“Anything that isn’t given is lost” – Anon.

The Answer



Men Vs. Women

Modern metaphysical thought has posited that there’s a female self within men and a male self within women.  I’ve long resented the fact that the female side of ourselves is characterized as having all the best attributes; ie. love and compassion.  I know myself enough to know that there’s evidence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ) that I at least cogitate these attributes more often than many.  “Just because women nurture children…”, I’ve thought, “…doesn’t mean that woman can lay claim to these attributes as characteristically their own.”

Moreover I had already hypothesized, during a university television theory course, that the primary difference between the way that men and women think, based on what they watched on TV, originates in their genitals.  I wasn’t wrong.  The biggest difference between men and women physiologically is the gonads of their powerful endocrine system.  This is the base chakra in spiritual parlance and oft erroneously regarded to be, like porn, the “lowest”.  It’s life itself and a powerful driver.*

The difference, in television viewing preference, between men and women is that men primarily watch the news and women, while I don’t personally know any, primarily watch soap operas.

A soap opera that I, as a young man, thoroughly enjoyed was St. Elsewhere for the artistry of the “ensemble” medical soapistry amidst 5 intertwined story lines.  At least one story must be comedic in an ensemble series.  Hill Street Blues was another that I enjoyed.

News stories are sound bites that are always conclusive whether or not the story is ongoing.  On the other, left, hand soap operas have never-ending stories wherein, even if one story line ends, it leads into another one.  Men are are linear and conclusive, and women are cyclic.  (Cyclic is “Big Picture”.)  I’ve heard this iterated, from pop psychology books, most often in the form of arguments between partners; Men seek a happy conclusion with all due diligence and women are seeking something more continuous.  (Put your arm around her and sympathize.  Love is necessary.)

Photo from HD Wallpapers


Above I wrote: “Just because women nurture children…”, I’ve thought, “…that doesn’t mean that woman can lay claim to these (love & compassion) attributes as characteristically their own.”.

I’ve been wrong. Love and BIG PICTURE are more strongly in the purview of women because men are influenced more by their left cerebral hemisphere.

Photo from the GenderTrender Blog

In my Getting In Our Right Mind post I wrote that the left hemisphere finds conclusions even if it deduces for you as real possibilities things that may not even exist.  It’s also that same little negative voice that sometimes berates you.  The left hemisphere is also incapable of seeing the simplest “Big Picture”.

The right hemisphere exclusively has capacity of vision to see the “Big Picture” as well as the capacity for, among other emotions, “Love”.   Both are supremely significant factors. The right side is the correct side in the great on-going universal battle of Life Vs Entropy.  “We” Vs “I”.  The right hemisphere is “Life”and “We” and “Love” and “Big Picture” and “Music” and “Creativity” and “Nature”.


In my Science and Spirituality post I wrote that, according to Edgar Cayce, BIG PICTURE (We are One) and LOVE are the the 2 most fundamental Universal Laws and are as irrevocable as laws of physics.   Women, being more right hemisphered, are more in tune with both of these positive attributes albeit the love can become obfuscated amidst the panoply of all the other more greatly felt emotions.  Left-brained conclusive men once thought to offer a cure for this condition in the assumption that hysteria resided in the uterus and therefore inventing the hysterectomy to remove it.  Very thoughtful but not “Big Picture” or loving enough.

I subscribe to the following belief and don’t recall where the theory was garnered:

We are immortal and essentially generally retain the same gender over many lifetimes.  Homosexuality arises when we choose a lifetime of the opposite gender than that which humans are intended to be.  Women primarily make this choice due to the obvious discrimination of the last 2000 years and men primarily chose this due to the horrors of war.

Photo from Pixdaus

According to Edgar Cayce one individual returned for a lifetime as a gay man who had once terribly publicly ridiculed, as a cartoonist, the gay men of the French courts of Louis XIII and Louis XIV; a noteworthy consequence for gay bashers.

“Condemn not, then, that ye be not condemned. For indeed with what measure ye mete it will be measured to thee again. And that thou condemnest in another (yea, every man – every woman), that thou becomest in thine self!” – Edgar Cayce 1089-3

I believe that the genders will fully come together at a later epoch in our collective development and “when” is likely highly dependent on how much we come together now. It’s inevitable if we’re all to eventually reunite in God.  Reuniting our genders as One is a long-term imperative and, IMO, a powerful first chakra driven incentive towards the ultimate “One” realization.

It’s incumbent on men to learn to know the BIG PICTURE and greater LOVE.  I wouldn’t presume to suggest what women need to know.  Women use both brain hemispheres.

30. (Q) Is there something spiritual in the attraction between the sexes (as I suspect), or would it be to advantage if I repressed the constant quest for a beautiful girl companion?
(A) There is something spiritual, which is being, as has been indicated, a co-creator with the divine.  – Edgar Cayce 5250-1


* Note: In modern times there has developed a top-down exercise for “grounding” one’s chakras.  In martial arts strength is gathered arising from the Earth through the base chakra.  The Lord’s Prayer, according to Edgar Cayce, a devout Christian, is a dance through the chakras starting and finishing with the top chakra:

Our Father who art in Heaven = For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and forever




We Are One Love

You are not “the one” who you are seeking.  The one is through yourself together with all else. We are one.

The final episode of TV’s Mad Men concluded with the 1971 Coke commercial “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony).

A similar 1970 hit was Everything is Beautiful by Ray Stevens.

Not a bad ethos moving forward from almost half a century ago but what would be a good musical zeitgeist for us moving forward from 2015?

Incorporating the 2 Universal Laws (which will reportedly make God move within us) elucidated in my last post: 1. We are One, and 2. Love is Law. I’ve abbreviated it to “We are Love”. This makes Bob Marley’s “One Love” a good candidate for a musical mantra but, due to it’s authorship, it may have marijuana implications which aren’t suited to everyone.

The following is my favorite candidate for the Song of Our Time going forward:
One World, One Heart Beating

A film by Jose Sanchez and Kasper Packford. Composers: Sue Kirkpatrick and Oona McOuat.

Video from KarmaTube

Here are some related web pages that I’ve created over the years:

It’s Everywhere


Unlimited Love

My most popular page by far, however, is my Positive Adjective Glossary.  I believe that this is because it’s “Of God” particularly inasmuch as users necessarily uplift others.

Above is our brand, inherently shared. Add everyone and everything to your organization or personal material by including our brand.

To those currently selfish, uninitiated, organizations and individuals the “WE ARE ONE” part is important so they know who we are.  To those more advanced the brand can be abbreviated to:


Please distribute liberally and freely.

 Parting Thought:  It’s a Wonderful World!

 Playing for Change’s version



Science and Spirituality Master Piece

I’ve always assumed that spirituality, along with the apparent ESP trappings of its mastery, would one day have a known basis in science.  I’ve speculated that this might possibly be found within some combination of frequencies within the frequency range beyond gamma that’s currently faster than we’re able to measure.  Certainly we’re unable to measure the differing frequencies of rocks and minerals.  What happens when we expose them to different frequencies?

“The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.” – Nikola Tesla

“Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” – Albert Einstein

“I want to know how God created this world. I’m not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details.” – Albert Einstein

Many other hypotheses have been posited to integrate properties of God and science from creation taking place in the collapse of probability waves to the properties of quantum entanglement.

Dr. Amit Goswami  relabels God as “Non-Local Quantum Consciousness” in physics parlance. While he may be more so than me, like Ram Das, he’s a professor and not yet a master of spirituality.  Some masters currently graduate considerably more rarely than others.

There have also been genuine masters who apparently deploy the name of science to pique the interest of a western world that worships the logical discipline.

“We should take care not to make the intellect our God: it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.” – Albert Einstein


When Parmahansa Yogananda first arrived in North America his first lecture was “The Science of Religion”.  The Science of Spirituality is also a church led by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, a computer scientist.  Both are respected spiritual masters.

BTW Edgar Cayce stated that we’d all be masters in the fullness of time – and that linear time doesn’t exist.

“Everyone is a genius.” – Albert Einstein

“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.” – Albert Einstein

When it comes to science and spirituality Edgar Cayce offers us some, new to many, greater fundamentals that moves the scientific process into the brain’s right hemisphere:


“There are immutable laws governing man’s relationship to the Universe.  The first principle is that the Universe is One.  “There are Divine (aka Universal) laws as there are nature’s laws and their application change according to circumstance, or manner of application and understanding.”  Edgar Cayce 2615-1

“Don’t think that the body is a haphazard machine, or that the things which happen to individuals are chance.  It is all law!”   Edgar Cayce 2067-1

“I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.” – Albert Einstein

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” – Albert Einstein

James Lovelock, the author of the the “Gaia” principle, wrote about his findings regarding the macro interrelationship of all living things.  A serious scientist he was completely surprised when he started to receive correspondence thanking him for the great spiritual work.

“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology.” – Albert Einstein

Universal laws include 1. Like begets like. 2. As he sows so shall he reap.  3. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.  These idioms are idioms for good reason; Should the individual (finite) mind turn within for the law, until the understanding rises, there is the consciousness in the finite of the Infinite moving upon, and in, the inner self.  (paraphrased from 262-52)

That which you dwell upon you become.

“True religion is real living; living with all one’s soul, with all one’s goodness and righteousness.” – Albert Einstein

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

“The law of environment, relativity, heredity, is the same in the spiritual activity as in the material earthly — matter conditions.” Edgar Cayce 683-1

“And if thy life is disturbed, if thy heart is sad, if thy body is racked with pain, it is thine bungling of the laws that are as Universal as Life itself.”   Edgar Cayce 281-27

Changing our World and Ourselves Through Compassion

Gratitude is also healthier for our hearts.

“Love is Law and Law is Love”

(“L LAW” in a previous post as an alien)

How many police officers, operatives, lawyers, judges and lawmakers know this and consider it in their work?

Police Distribute Snacks

“I come not to take away the law but to fulfill same.” Matt 5:17

“As humans apply these universal laws, humans develop.  They gradually become capable of applying and using these in everyday life.  This is true whether applied to medical science, in anatomical science or in mechanical science and so on.”   Edgar Cayce 900-70

“My brain is only a receiver, In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” – Nikola Tesla

My new Positive Links Page has been cleared of dead wood and I open it most mornings.  I’ll try to keep improving it.  It’s a worthy bookmark.  Know the facts.

 “Science and Religion are one when their purposes are one.” Edgar Cayce 5023-2

IMO science and God mix inexorably but at some point science itself becomes insufficient to know its Maker.

The nanosecond that faith is questioned; it’s gone. The nature of scientific method is mutually exclusive to the nature of faith. It’s insufficient to be a passive observer when the observer affect immediately, upon its thought, terminates the hypothesis.

Even science is a shortcut in a realm where shortcuts don’t work.

For more re. physics & spirituality visit: Al’s World View

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Note: The quotes accredited to Albert Einstein above have been plucked from the Internet.  No further investigation regarding their authorship has been performed.



Getting in Our Right Mind

It must be frustrating for North American national governments to continue to try to sell  the “WE’RE IN DANGER!” militarization story when the true empirical evidence points in the opposite direction.  At what point does (did?) this fear mongering become an absurdity?  At its inception?  What is the trending inevitable conclusion made evident in the following?


Stevan Pinker – 2015 Nobel Peace Price Forum

In this lecture about why humans are so interested in violence Canadian born Harvard Professor and Nobel Laureate Steven Pinker states that there are 2 crimes via which Violence News Codependency makes humans commit violence because of anticipation of how it will covered in the news media. Both are low-death/high visibility events and are pretty much creations of the news media:

1. Terrorism – “ A technology for extracting the maximum amount of publicity for the smallest amount of violence. By any count terrorism accounts for a trivial proportion of the world’s deaths by violence to say nothing of deaths from all causes put together. The most damaging event in history was 911 which killed fewer than 3000 people. That’s kind of “in the noise” when it comes to statistics on homicide or civil wars. – 14:00
2. Rampage Killings – Occurs because of the wall-to-wall news coverage. Those for whom notoriety is more important than life itself and it’s easier than curing cancer.

Professor Pinker’s data coalesces neatly with the many data sets of Hans Rosling, and other data sets, to demonstrate conclusively how very much the world is becoming an increasingly better, more peaceful, place in almost every way.  See the uplifting “THE FACTS” section of my Positive Links web page.

When the government is telling us one thing and the overwhelming evidence is demonstrating the opposite to be true how do we stay in our right mind?

Steven Pinker’s video conveys excellent positive data but the following Ted Talk was(is?), at least at one time, the most popular Ted Talk in history:

Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke of Insight.  This video conveys the significance of staying in our reasoning linear world in a cyclic universe.  Don’t leave home without your left hemisphere.

Unfortunately the left hemisphere is also more of a cold, selfish, entropic, misanthrope.  It deduces for you as real possibilities things that may not even exist and it’s that same little negative voice that sometimes berates you.  The left brain is also incapable of seeing the simplest “Big Picture”.

The right hemisphere exclusively has capacity of vision to see the “Big Picture” as well as the capacity for, among other emotions, “Love”   Both are supremely significant factors.

I’ve previously mentioned the great on-going universal battle of Life Vs Entropy.  “We” Vs “I”.

The right hemisphere is “Life”and “We” and “Love” and “Big Picture” and “Music” and “Creativity” and “Nature”.

When the Corpus Collosum, which connects the brain’s hemispheres, is severed the subject develops a syndrome whereby, for example, the subject’s left hand actually struggles with the right hand in order for it to complete a simple “Big Picture” puzzle.  [See time code 29.50 – 32.19 of this video.  More examples at time code 38.25 – 39.25 of this video.

Brain Hemisphere Primer – Alan Alda interviews Michael Gazzaniga

More Recent History

Increased stimulation of the left hemisphere has historically been taking place from the time, and as a result, of the invention of the alphabet, mathematics, and the printing press.  While the two hemispheres generally work in tandem the left hemisphere has incurred, for many hundreds of recent years, the vast preponderance of input data.

But the hemispheres are an ultimately an equal couple and the scientific revolution has recently, as an adjunct, given rise to visual icons; video games, pics, and movies all of which stimulate the vision of the right hemisphere as does, now ubiquitously-available, music.  This current significant increasing stimulation of the right hemisphere is largely an offspring of the Internet.

Again: The right hemisphere is “Life”and “We” and “Love” and “Big Picture” and “Music” and “Creativity” and “Nature”.

Right Brain Exercises       Contemplating Love

 Enjoy it!


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Oversight Oversight

It’s ironic how aggressive organizations create their own opposition out of what would otherwise be a peaceful coexistence. If Kinder Morgan’s Astroturf group B.R.O.K.E., via their extravaganza, hadn’t slapped me so hard in the face that I lost my Alien persona, I would have never written a post regarding Kinder Morgan Projects.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of more positive subjects to write about but on February 26, 2015 I got slapped hard again.

I like to think that this was an RCMP leak indicating that there may still be good, and just, and honorable members out there who still want to be what they always wanted to be and contribute to the improvement of the country and the world and not to its increased creepiness.

In a gross violation of the Fundamental Freedoms of The Charter of Rights, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has identified all pipeline protestors as potential  “Violent Anti-Petroleum Extremists” and, because I wrote Kinder Morgan Projects, that includes me.  I will NOT remove the post.

This means increased surveillance via CSEC, not CSIS, an electronic surveillance organization which is under the purview of the Department of Defense (DOD). Has Stephen Harper declared war on his own people on behalf of the oil industry and his next Conservative election campaign?

Notable potential “Violent Anti-Petroleum Extremists” are Canada’s indigenous native population.  Minister of Natural Resources Greg Rickford writes that the government’s pipeline plan is for “…enhanced engagement with Aboriginal groups.”  Enhanced is a vague adjective, to be sure, but isn’t it reminiscent of the “enhanced interrogation techniques” of Abu Ghraib?   Does it, in fact, include torture?

While the policy is open-minded enough to include Metis, the ground water poisoning of the bitumen fracking at the Alberta (AB) tarsands is committing (FOR GOD’S SAKE!) eugenic genocide  of AB’s indigenous peoples.

The Indigenous Perspective

How relevant is this to the writings of Reverend Kevin Arnette who long alleged the long-term historic native eugenic genocide mission of the Federal Government?

Humans who think this fracking isn’t eugenic genocide should ask themselves, in that old Hollywood interpretation of the native tongue,…


This photo of a Cree child is known for “the staging of the gun in hand, ostensibly symbolizing his ‘savage’ proclivities…”

 Who else is a Violent Anti-Petroleum Extremist?

Both of the gentle feminine creatures above were arrested for protesting the Kinder Morgan Pipeline.  On the right is Professor Lynne Quarmby Green Party candidate and and Science Policy Critic for the upcoming Federal election for the riding of North Burnaby (Freshly radically gerrymandered into North Vancouver across Burrard Inlet).

What are the odds that Professor Quarmby’s office doesn’t have every incoming-and-outgoing pixel and sound bite recorded by CSEC?  What are the odds that every Green Party Member, as potential “Violent Anti-Petroleum Extremists” aren’t monitored equally scrupulously?  The New Democratic Party (NDP), have declared their anti-pipeline position.  Who thinks that the Prime Minister has sufficient self control to not put them under electronic scrutiny as well for his Conservative political agenda?

How closely now are journalists and bloggers monitored who have, at some time, written a critical article about a pipeline?

I’ve personally never heard of any pipeline violence initiated by protestors.  Is it the Emperor’s New Uniform?  As far as I know Mr. Harper has thrown the first punch.  It’s important to note that the Prime Minister has introduced violence into the picture for the first time and then sicked the DOD onto innocent citizens, indigenous natives, and his political opposition.

Evidently, in Canada, the Prime Minister cannot be impeached.  This is an unfortunate  because it could lead to a Prime Minister thinking that he’s above the law.  Here’s a petition for parliament to create policies for impeachment.

In the United States President Nixon was impeached for trying to install listening devices in the National Democratic Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel.  How many more people is Prime Minister Harper illegally, feloniously, surveilling?

In their C-51 analysis law professors Craig Forese of the University of Ottawa and Kent Roach of the University of Toronto, identify the following very real problems with C-51:

“CSIS will be able to get warrants at secret hearings to violate Canadians’ rights, which risks creating “a secret jurisprudence on when CSIS can act beyond the law.””

“CSIS will have “open-ended authorization whose proper and reasonable application will depend on perfect government judgment.””

“They worry that Canadians can’t have confidence CSIS won’t be used to target political enemies of the government.”

Former CSIS Officer       Former CSIS Officials

With his declaration of “Violent Anti-Petroleum Extremists” the Prime Minister isn’t waiting for the passage of C-51 to make it even quasi-legal.

In order to enact the C-51 “Terrorism” bill Prime Minister Harper doesn’t demure from acting on the lessons of infamous Nazi Party leader Hermann Goering:

“…Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers (as conspiracy theorists) for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” – Goering at the Nuremberg Trials

Stephen Harper has always been the far-away oily Ontario guy who we’ve had (no choice in British Columbia [BC]) to patiently endure for an eternity longer than the Americans had to endure George W. Bush.  But now, in the fullest extreme of attacking with a fringed flag assault, Mr. Harper is attacking innocent Canadians, via no less than the DOD, by projecting his own aggressive violations onto them.

Who Oversees the Overseers?

Regarding the C-51 Big Brother “Terrorist” Bill many, including many former Prime Ministers, are calling for up-to-the minute oversight of CSIS but how many Canadians are even aware of the existence of CSEC, the military Canadian counterpart of the American NSA that conducts all of the country’s electronic surveillance?  CSEC is geographically adjacent to CSIS but mandated under the DOD.  Consequently any new funding for oversight of CSIS will not include the more greatly needed oversight of CSEC as well.  Without oversight of CSEC the offensive, abusive, intrusive, violating surveillance of innocent Canadian citizens will continue.

I can attest that I’ve certainly felt terrorized since they’ve been alleged to be in my computer system.

It may be a coincidence but, since CSEC has been into my personal computer I’ve started receiving criminal (credit card fraud etc.) and lascivious SPAM email solicitations for the first time.  Is generating and cultivating indecency via email part of what CSEC does?  Is the creation of criminal start-ups, and amoral acts, a part of its regular routine?  Are they modern electronic retrograde “Barn Burners”.

Evidently 80% of Canadians feel that this Bill C-51, incursion into their Fundamental Freedoms is OK because they have nothing to hide.  (Decreased by 40% the day this blog was posted) Those many who think “Why not?” re. C-51 need to know that in their innocence they’re also proclaiming their naivety.   The innocence that they’re projecting onto the Prime Minister’s office doesn’t exist but rather is motivated by superimposing Canada’s Fundamental Freedoms with personal Fundamental Greedoms.

On a related note, who’s going to compensate BC as the salmon stocks are increasingly unable to return because cold-blooded fish are unable to tolerate a small increase in water temperature?

Prime Minister Harper’s Secret Kinder Morgan Oil Pipeline Oral Meetings

It’s important to note that, in critical Pipeline and Charter of Rights and Freedom Violation matters, Canada’s Liberal Party votes in lockstep with the Conservative party.  As in the U.S. the top 2 parties look like a choice between the puppet on the right or the puppet on the left.

What can we do about it?

First things first:

1. In the upcoming Federal Elections (October 19, 2015) vote NDP or Green or for an independent candidate.  Even the “Any excuse for a party” Rhinoceros Party of Canada would at least be benign relative to those who would cause massive scale long-term public harm.

2.  Leadnow.ca appears to be an “Anybody but Harper” group.

3.  Enacting a law that would require that all politicians serve no more than a single term would remove most of the corruption from politics; perhaps two terms could be served by those in public office demonstrating a record of exceptional statesmanship.  Could this be initiated by the RCMP as an anti-corruption proposal?  How many Canadians would sign it as an Avaaz petition?  Good people, for a change, would take a break from work and serve in a respected position of governance for a term before returning to their regular jobs and lives.  The public service would be a resume’ enhancement.  The severe risk posed by a career of ‘Power’ would be significantly reduced.

4. Sign this petition for parliament to make it possible to impeach the Prime Minister.

Edgar Cayce stated it a bit more severely than the old “Power Corrupts” idiom:

“Few does power not destroy.”  3976-13

Edgar Cayce, in his pan-lifetime world view, advises us to be patient with all souls who all must eventually come around.  Under the circumstances the best I could say to Prime Minister Harper is: Please stop causing harm and leave.

Now let’s see if these oil-owned organizations can stop slapping me.  God knows I’d rather be worlds away in pleasantness.




There’s a fairly well-known Edgar Cayce story that illustrates the importance of intent.  The following is paraphrased from memory.  If found the citations will be added at that time.

One of the people to whom Edgar Cayce gave an in-trance reading was a chaste young woman who wondered why she had the undeserved reputation for being known as the slutty promiscuous girl at school and elsewhere.  She had never done anything to encourage it.

Cayce responded that in a past life she had been a prostitute and had used her body carnally in order to extract whatever she could from men.

Another woman for who Cayce gave a reading had been treated all of her charmed life as if she were a saint.  He told her that in a past life she had been a prostitute and had done all she could to bring loving comfort to lonely men.

“Kind eyes” a portrait by author: juli_kirsanova

Intent is Everything

 See also ‘Trying‘.



Humans Vs. Plants

Who is smarter?  Humans, or plants?

Some humans believe that they, being the smartest, are at the top of the environmental chain.  They believe that they have the right to be the dominators of resources or “overburden” and not the stewards, of nature.

Are humans able to comprehend the consciousness of a leaf?

BTW who, in Nissan’s marketing department, decided to name their electric car the ‘Leaf’?  Except for Toronto hockey fans how many people want to identify with a leaf?  Cars are iconic in advertising for being the stylish fun things with which people personally identify and, in dream analysis, your car symbolizes, almost invariably, your body.  Leafs (plural in Toronto parlance) are shiny clapping things that are so delicate and ephemeral that they flamboyantly flutter to the earth and expire annually.  ‘Vector’, or even ‘Evergreen’, would be better names for EVs.

Above Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015) [Peace] narrates a vintage kitschy (Is that a Moog synthesizer?) TV episode of ‘In Search Of ‘ titled Other Voices.  My last blog post, on Thursday Feb. 26th, about Vulcan Proverbs and Edgar Cayce included Nimoy as Spock.  On Friday, the 27th, TV’s beloved Mr. Spock passed away.  In hindsight the post looks like a respectable homage.

This research regarding plants and music is old information.  Some today attest that plants most prefer high frequency sounds that sound a lot like birds cheeping.  Not sure about the ridiculously hard-to-record pterodactyl call found here.   Here are some Youtube resources to play to your plants.

The above video, from TV’s Mythbusters, verifies that plants know your intent.

Evidently you can’t fool a plant by holding up a lighter and pretending that you’re going to burn it.  You have to mean it.

Humans don’t even know their own intent

The human left brain, based on past experiences, is constantly creating circumstances and coming to conclusions often with no basis in reality.  It’s the little voice that sometimes gives you a hard time. Humans often don’t even know their own intent as it is intended to incorporate the BIG PICTURE and ‘Love’of the right hemisphere.

A plant knows how to glow its being without comparison to anything else.

Edgar Cayce quotes re. Nature

“Is the oak lord over the vine? Is the Jimson (weed) beset before the tomato? Are the grassy roots ashamed of their flower beside the rose?

All those forces in nature are fulfilling rather those purposes to which their Maker, their Creator, has called them into being… reflecting –as each soul, as each man and each should do in their particular sphere — their concept of the Maker!”  1391-1

“In all nature the Spirit of Creation is emanating, and one that attunes self in mind or mental forces towards beings of emanation, gains knowledge in an inestimable manner, that becomes the soul, the personality, the being of the individual.” 354-2

“Listen to the birds.  Watch the blush of the rose.  Listen to the life rising in the tree.  These serve their Maker.  Through what?  That psychic force, that is Life itself…Learn, O Man, from that about thee.”  364-10

Q- “How is the best way to explain God to a child under twelve years?”

A- “In nature” 5747-1


1. A plant knows human intent

2. A plant knows how to glow its being

3. Nature is God

…who’s smarter:

Humans or plants?



Vulcan Philosophy, Edgar Cayce & Astrology

Here are some Vulcan proverbs of which Edgar Cayce might approve:

“Nothing unreal exists.”

 Unreleased movie footage of Spock being infantile.

“Nothing that is is unimportant.”

“We are here to serve.”

“My mind to your mind… my thoughts to your thoughts…”

These are words used during Vulcan mind melds as well as by Professor Charles Francis Xavier in The X-Men #3 (January 1964).  To render the Infinite finite is one of the reasons that Edgar Cayce says we’re here.  Heartfelt empathy is a good path.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.” 

Edgar Cayce mentions self-crucifixion, in an unrelated way, twice:

…”In that day did they call upon the name of the Lord” (Genesis 4:26) –is right! and ever, when the elements that make for littleness, uncleanness, are crucified in the body, The Spirit of the Lord, of God, is present.”  5748-1

“In Egypt, that which had been the basis of all the teachings in those of the temple, and the after actions of the crucifying of self in relationships to ideals that make for the abilities of carrying on that called to be done.” (re. what Christ learned abroad) 2067-11

‘The teachings in those of the temple’ would include the teachings of Ra Ta, who Edgar Cayce had been in a past life.

“In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.”

Acceptance isn’t a Cayce topic but ‘Accepting what is’ is a basic tenet of Byron Katie who writes that it’s a necessary precursor to finding peace.

“Not my will but Yours, o Lord.” is a common Cayce affirmation


“Logic is the cement of our civilization, with which we ascend from chaos, using reason as our guide.

“Logic is the beginning, not the end, of Wisdom.”

Possibly derived from “Doubt is the beginning, not the end of Wisdom.”  George Illes (1852 – 1942)

The closest that Edgar Cayce comes to mentioning logic is ‘Logos’ with regards to Astrology and Ancient Persian Charts being Logos or “charts that have been set”.  826-8  Astronomy and astrology mirrored each other more closely therein.

Dictionary definition of logos = In philosophy the rational principle that governs and develops the universe.  In ideology the word incarnate in Jesus Christ.

“Live Long and Prosper”

 “Peace and Long Life” (common appropriate response)

Note: Leonard Nimoy passed away the day after this blog was posted.


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