
   I’m sending, to my home planet, the following recommendation regarding first contact on this planet, and so wanted to inform humans about it concurrently:

  I hereby recommend that first contact with human individuals henceforward be undertaken during the wee hours of their night, when they’re most often found asleep.  I also recommend that the methodology for this be by rapping on the outside of the bedroom window.  In addition, I recommend that each of these encounters be officially recorded.

   The human reactions are absolutely hysterical!  They’re priceless!

   Whether or not to make funny faces and what sort of overtures to make could be volitional on the part of the host as well as other production considerations – like running away.  Guest hosts could also be a consideration.  I have buddies that make the Star Wars Cantina crowd look like a Chippendale Review.

   At home (and beyond?) the recordings could be syndicated as “Earth’s Funniest Firsts”. 

   (I wasn’t anticipating this much fun on this mission.)



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